Thursday, July 30, 2020


 Shumaila Rind:
    Roll No: MMC /56

      2 videos Reviews

Video Lecture of Sir Sohail Sangi


I. Media as a manipulator.
a. Tools used for manipulation:
1. Film industry.
2. Cartoon industry.
3. Print and Electronic Media.
II. Evolution of Media.
III. Factors affecting the Media.
a. Internal.
b. External.
IV. Preference of Interests over morality.

Now-a-days media is used to manipulate the minds of people, their choices, their interests, molding public opinion etc. It does it through different sources ranging from cartoon, film industry to media talk shows and opinions published in print media. Its evolution is dramatic ranging from the print media to electronic media and now shifting towards the social media. It is used on and off by the powerful people to promote their ambitions and interests. There can be different circumstances under which it is used. Different internal and external factors can affect its outcome.  The internal factor includes the staff of the media whose ideologies, political affiliation, education background etc can be reflected from their reporting.  Similarly, the external factors ranges from powerful pressure groups in the society, like Human rights activist, civil society workers, bureaucrats, land owners, industrialists, bankers and most lucrative ones the, i.e.: the State agencies. The media business, now, being run as a corporate sector which works for its own interest. Thus, act as a tool in order to promote the agendas of the all these powerful external factors who in turn give them advertisement etc. Therefore, media in order to get their benefits ignores moralities, ethics and just promote what its benefactors want it to promote.

I. Introduction.
II. Ingredients.
III. Types.
IV. Methodology.
It is an act of conversion of text from one language to other language. The language in which text is available is called source language. Whereas, the language into which its conversion is required is called target language. 
Its main ingredients include accuracy, correctness, relevancy and preciseness. 
There can be different types of translation ranging from word to word transalation in which the given text in the source language is translated into the target language based upon word to word meaning.  Similarly, other type is proverbial one, which is considered as the best type of translation because through it helps in maintaining source language’s sweetness, delicacy and literary touch. Afterwards, comes the other type which is called summary making of the text. In this type all one has to do is to provide the gist of the available text in the target language. 
Translation can be a cumbersome task but wait it can be made easy by following simple methodology: 
So first of all, the given text be understood properly, then words showing correct tone of the text in the target language having equal weigthage to those in the source language be selected. Most importantly words of a source language already in use in the targeted language are not required to be translated in the target language because of the fact that it can produce awkwardness in the process of translation.

Practical work carried under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi

Department of Media and Communication studies University of Sindh, Jamshoro

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