Thursday, July 30, 2020

Farheen Ujjan Headlines Writing

Farheen Ujjan

 How to write Headlines? 
video lecture by Sohail Sangi
Headline is something written on the top of a newspaper article or story and it is written by a copy-editor in newspapers.
Headlines should be catchy that attract readers.
The purpose of writing headlines is to catch the attention to the story, even a well written story will go unread if the headline does not attract the reader.
Writing headlines is not easy and simple; it should fit the allotted space.
Headline is an abbreviated writing style used in newspaper headlines.
Headlines should be clear and concise, that tells about the story and should be interesting enough to draw the readers into reading the article.
Firstly, read and understand the topic carefully then start writing headlines.
Headlines are written in telegraphic English, because they resemble the wording found in most telegrams.
A straight news headline is written for a straight news story and a feature headline for a feature story.

  Three ''P'' are most important to write headline:

1. Precise: It should be precised.
2. Provoking: It should provoke readers.
3. Personalised: Put your knowledge and creativity.

Structure of headline consists of Primary and Secondary part:

Primary: The primary head is visually more prominent and most important.
Secondary: The secondary headline adds information found in the story.

There are some rules to be followed while writing a headline:
1. Use Present Tense verbs.
2. Omit all Articles.
3. Don't use ''And'' instead put comma.
4. Don't use main verbs like is, am, are.
5. Use active voice not passive.
6. Be specific.
7. Be positive.
8. Avoid repetition.
9. Use Who and What of the story in the first line.
10. Don't begin a headline with a verb that implies a command.
11. Don't end a line with a preposition.


Editorial writing:
video lecture by Sohail Sangi

It is an opinion writing published on an editorial page and written by the Editor.
Editorial writers make an argument and try to persuade readers to think the same way they do.  
The purpose of editorial writing is to influence public opinion, encourage critical thinking, and sometimes cause people to take action on an issue.
A good editorial engages issues not personalities and refrain from name-calling or other petty tactics of persuasion.
Anyone can have a grip about a problem, but a good editorial is the one that helps make a situation better by using criticism and giving solutions.

While choosing a topic for editorial writing keep following things in mind:
1. It should be current and timely.
2. It should be substantive.
3. It offers insight.
4. It should be free of conflict of interest.

There are four types of editorials:
1. Persuasive Editorial:
These editorials of persuasion aim to see the solution instantly, not the problem. From the very first paragraph, readers will be inspired to take a particular and positive action.

2. Informative Editorial:
Informative editorials only give information, review or tell certain facts or events.

3. Praising Editorial:  
Praising editorials are those which express appreciation for a worthy action.

4. Entertaining Editorial:
Editorials that offer entertainment.

Editorials usually have three parts:

1. Introduction: It is an intro of the editorial.

2. Body: It includes the editorial's basic facts, personal opinion, others opinions, the causes and effects behind incidents, situations.
3. Conclusion: It tells the final important thought or direction, conclusion may be in the form of advice, challenge, command or just a simple summary.

Functions of Editorial Writing:
1. Explaining the news.
2. Filling the background.
3. Forecasting the future
4. Passing moral judgment.

Learn to develop a simple, clear, direct and strong writing style.
Be specific, and do not use general ideas but use concrete facts.
After writing revise your work, rethink, re-evaluate and rewrite and do proofreading and editing.

Practical work carried under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi, at Institute of Media & Communication Studies, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh Pakistan


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