Showing posts with label Farheen Ujjan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Farheen Ujjan. Show all posts

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Farheen Ujjan Headlines Writing

Farheen Ujjan

 How to write Headlines? 
video lecture by Sohail Sangi
Headline is something written on the top of a newspaper article or story and it is written by a copy-editor in newspapers.
Headlines should be catchy that attract readers.
The purpose of writing headlines is to catch the attention to the story, even a well written story will go unread if the headline does not attract the reader.
Writing headlines is not easy and simple; it should fit the allotted space.
Headline is an abbreviated writing style used in newspaper headlines.
Headlines should be clear and concise, that tells about the story and should be interesting enough to draw the readers into reading the article.
Firstly, read and understand the topic carefully then start writing headlines.
Headlines are written in telegraphic English, because they resemble the wording found in most telegrams.
A straight news headline is written for a straight news story and a feature headline for a feature story.

  Three ''P'' are most important to write headline:

1. Precise: It should be precised.
2. Provoking: It should provoke readers.
3. Personalised: Put your knowledge and creativity.

Structure of headline consists of Primary and Secondary part:

Primary: The primary head is visually more prominent and most important.
Secondary: The secondary headline adds information found in the story.

There are some rules to be followed while writing a headline:
1. Use Present Tense verbs.
2. Omit all Articles.
3. Don't use ''And'' instead put comma.
4. Don't use main verbs like is, am, are.
5. Use active voice not passive.
6. Be specific.
7. Be positive.
8. Avoid repetition.
9. Use Who and What of the story in the first line.
10. Don't begin a headline with a verb that implies a command.
11. Don't end a line with a preposition.


Editorial writing:
video lecture by Sohail Sangi

It is an opinion writing published on an editorial page and written by the Editor.
Editorial writers make an argument and try to persuade readers to think the same way they do.  
The purpose of editorial writing is to influence public opinion, encourage critical thinking, and sometimes cause people to take action on an issue.
A good editorial engages issues not personalities and refrain from name-calling or other petty tactics of persuasion.
Anyone can have a grip about a problem, but a good editorial is the one that helps make a situation better by using criticism and giving solutions.

While choosing a topic for editorial writing keep following things in mind:
1. It should be current and timely.
2. It should be substantive.
3. It offers insight.
4. It should be free of conflict of interest.

There are four types of editorials:
1. Persuasive Editorial:
These editorials of persuasion aim to see the solution instantly, not the problem. From the very first paragraph, readers will be inspired to take a particular and positive action.

2. Informative Editorial:
Informative editorials only give information, review or tell certain facts or events.

3. Praising Editorial:  
Praising editorials are those which express appreciation for a worthy action.

4. Entertaining Editorial:
Editorials that offer entertainment.

Editorials usually have three parts:

1. Introduction: It is an intro of the editorial.

2. Body: It includes the editorial's basic facts, personal opinion, others opinions, the causes and effects behind incidents, situations.
3. Conclusion: It tells the final important thought or direction, conclusion may be in the form of advice, challenge, command or just a simple summary.

Functions of Editorial Writing:
1. Explaining the news.
2. Filling the background.
3. Forecasting the future
4. Passing moral judgment.

Learn to develop a simple, clear, direct and strong writing style.
Be specific, and do not use general ideas but use concrete facts.
After writing revise your work, rethink, re-evaluate and rewrite and do proofreading and editing.

Practical work carried under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi, at Institute of Media & Communication Studies, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh Pakistan


Saturday, July 25, 2020

Farheen Ujjan Effective Writing Translation

Name: Farheen Ujjan

Batch: MMC/2k20

Roll No: 66

Topic: The Keys to Effective Writing

Medium: English to Sindhi

Words in original text: 993

Words in translation: 1167


نالو : فرحين اڄڻ

رول نمبر : 66

بيچ : MMC/2k20

ميڊيم : سنڌي

انگريزي لفظن جو تعداد: 993

سنڌي ترجمي ۾ لفظن جو تعداد: 1167



                         The Keys to Effective Writing       


مضمونن ۽ مقالن کي حل ڪرڻ جون ترڪيبون:

اسڪول، ڪاليج، يا نوڪري ۾ ڪاميابي لاء لکڻ جي مھارت ضروري آھي. جيڪڏھن مضمون ۽ مقالا توھان کي زور ڏئي اجاگر ڪرن ٿا، ذھن ۾ رکو، لکڻ صرف ھڪ آخري نتيجو نه آھي پر ھڪ عمل پڻ آھي جيڪو توھان جي خيالن ۽ سوچن جي ترقي ۾ مدد ڪري ٿو. دماغي سوچن جي عنوانن کان شروعات، معلومات گڏ ڪرڻ، تمام گھڻا نوٽس وٺڻ ۽ ڪيترائي سوال پڇڻ. پنھنجي نوٽس ۽ ذريعن کي منظم ڪيو جڏھن پنھنجي موضوع تي ترقي ڪندي نمونن ۽ رشتن کي ڳولھيندا، ڏسو ته ڪھڙو نتيجو نڪري سگھي ٿو. پنھنجي ھم جماعتن يا استاد سان پنھنجي خيالن تي بحث ڪيو ۽ ڪوشش ڪيو. نئون تناظر توھان جي سوچ کي ڌڪ ڏيڻ ۽ پنھنجي رفتار کي جاري رکڻ ۾ مدد ڪري سگھي ٿو.


پنھنجي لکڻ کي ترتيب ڏيو:

توھان لکڻ دوران ٽريڪ تي رھڻ ۾ مدد لاء ھڪ خاڪو ٺاھيو جنھن جي بنيادي نقطن کي سڃاڻڻ ۽ توھان جيڪو نتيجو اخذ ڪرڻ چاھيو ٿا ته بنيادي مضمون ۽ مقالي جو خاڪو پنھنجي ذھن ۾ رکو.



تعارف توهان جي پڙهندڙ کي مضمون جي ارادي جو هڪ خيال ڏي ٿو ، جنهن ۾ هڪ بنيادي بيان به شامل آهي ته مضمون ڇا تي بحث ڪندو.



جسم ثبوت پيش ڪري ٿو جيڪو توهان جي خيال جي حمايت ڪري ٿو. صحيح نموني مثال ڏيو ۽ عام شين کان پاسو ڪيو.



نتيجو ننڍو ھجي ۽ جيڪو توھان باڊي ۾ بيان ڪيو ان جو احساس ڏي.


ڪچو مسودو:

توهان شايد ڳولي سگهو ٿا جئين توهان لکيو آهي ته توهان هڪ مختلف خيال سان ختم ڪيو ٿا ان کان جيڪو توهان شروع ڪيو. جيڪڏهن توهان جو پهريون موضوع يا نتيجو اھميت نٿو رکي ، ان کي تبديل ڪيو. جيڪڏهن ضروري هجي ته پنهنجو پاڻ کي ٻيهر ٽريڪ تي آڻڻ لاءِ پنهنجو خاڪو ٻيهر لکو.


لکڻ جا ٻيا اهم طريقا:

پنهنجن سامعين کي ذهن ۾ رکو عام پڙهندڙ لاءِ لکو ، جيستائين توهان جو استاد توهان کي ٻي صورت ۾ نه ٻڌائي.

"عام پڙهندڙ" عام طور تي ڪنهن کي به ان جي سراسري ھوشياري کي چئي سگھجي ٿو.


لغت کان واقف ٿيو:

پنھنجي موضوع جي لغت کان واقف ٿيو.  مثال طور، افسانه ، ڊراما ۽ شاعري بابت لکڻ دوران، تنقيدي ليکڪ لفظ استعمال ڪندا آهن جهڙوڪ: نحو ، سر ، فڪر ، آواز ، ڳالهائيندڙ ، ۽ ٿيسز.


بھتر ۽  پروف ريڊ ڪريو:

جڏهن توهان مڪمل ڪري چڪا آهيو ، هڪ وقفو وٺو ته توهان تازين اکين سان پنهنجي لکڻ ڏانهن واپس اچي سگهو.


پنهنجو پاڻ کان پڇو:

*ڇا لکڻ صاف آھي؟

*ڇا خيالن کي سمجھندا؟

*ڇا منھنجون سڀ ضرورتون پوريون ٿيون؟

*ڇا مان دھرائڻ کان پاسو ڪيو؟

*ڇا مون مناسب گرامر ۽ *اسپيلنگ استعمال ڪئي آھي؟

*زور سان پڙھو ۽ ڏسو اھو ڪيئن ٿو لڳي؟

پنھنجو مسودو ٻين کي ڏيکارڻ لاء ڪافي وقت ڇڏي ڏيو. جيڪڏھن ممڪن ھجي ته پنھنجي اسڪول جي لکڻ وارو مرڪز استعمال ڪريو

 هڪ نئون نقطو توهان جي ڪاغذ کي چمڪائڻ ۾ مدد ڪري سگهي ٿو ، ۽ غلطين کي پڪڙي سگهي ٿو.


وڌيڪ پڙھو:

جيڪو توھان پڙھيو آھي ان جو اثر ان تي پئي ٿو ته توھان ڪيئن لکو ٿا ۽ بغير ان جي آغاھي جي توھان پنھنجا استاد ٿي سگھو ٿا.

 مثال طور: جيڪڏھن توھان لکڻ کان پھريان گريٽ ايڪسپيڪٽيشن/عظيم اميدن کي پڙھو ٿا ته توھان جي لکڻي شايد چارلس ڊڪسن وانگر لڳڻ شروع ٿي ويندي. يقينن اهو ساڳيو ئي ٿيندو جيڪڏهن توهان ”ٽين پيپل/نوجوان ماڻهو“ پڙهندا آهيو.

 ياد رکو ته ڇا پڙهو؟ جيڪڏهن توهان هڪ ڪتاب پسند ڪيو جيڪو توهان ڪلاس ۾ پڙهو ٿا، پنهنجن استادن کان پڇيو ته هو ٻيا ان جھڙا ڪتاب توھان کي ٻڌائن.

 يا ساڳي ليکڪ پاران وڌيڪ پڙهو. عظيم پڙهائي جي خيالن لاءِ اسان جي101 گريٽ بڪس جي فھرسٽ جي پڙتال ڪريو

 پڙهڻ پڻ بهترين طريقو آھي لکڻ وارن جو بلاڪ فتح ڪرڻ لاء. پڙهڻ سان توهان جي دماغ جي مشق ٿئي ٿي ۽ توهان جي خيالن کي ٻيهر هلڻ ۾ مدد ملي ٿي. يقينن ، ليکڪرن جي روڪ کي روڪڻ جو هڪ بهترين

طريقو وڌيڪ لکڻ آهي.


وڌيڪ لکو:

توهان اڳ ۾ به ٻڌو آهي ، پر هي مشورو ڪڏهن به پراڻو نه ٿئي ٿو: مشق صحيح بڻائي ٿي

وڌيڪ توهان لکندا ، وڌيڪ بهتر توهان حاصل ڪندا، ۽ جئين توهان جون صلاحيتون بهتر ٿين ، تيئن توهان کي مزو پڻ ايندو. هي ڪجهه طريقا آهن جيڪي ڪجهه شاگرد ڪلاس روم کان ٻاهر لکندا آهن جن تي توهان غور ڪرڻ چاهيندا:

• پنهنجي خيالن ۽ ڏينهن جي واقعن جو هڪ جرنل رکو.

• پنهنجي دوستن لاءِ اهم موضوعن تي هڪ زين شروع ڪريو.

• توهان پڙهيل رسالن ۽ اخبارن جي ايڊيٽر ڏانهن خط لکو،

جڏهن توهان لکڻ جي عادت ۾ آهيو - ڪابه ڳالهه ناهي ته اها ڪهڙي قسم جي آهي - ڪاغذ ۽ مضمونَ گهڻا مشڪل نه لڳندا.


خبر لکڻ جي روايتي جوڙجڪ:

آچر جي اسٽار ٽائمز نيوز پيپرس  ان ايجوڪيشن مان ڪرس ميڪلن جي مهرباني سان،


1. پنج ڊبليو ۽ ھڪ ايڇ:

صحافي پنج ڊبليو ۽ ايڇ سان واسطو رکن ٿا(ڪير، ڇا ، ڪڏهن ، ڪٿي ، ڇو ۽ ڪيئن).

ڪو به خوشخبري آرٽيڪل انهن سڀني جا جواب فراهم ڪندو.

پنهنجي پسند جي آرٽيڪلز ۾ پنج ڊبليو ۽ ايڇ کي ڳوليو. جيڪڏهن هڪ يا وڌيڪ گم آهن ته انهن سببن جي وضاحت ڪيو جيڪي ڇو جي وضاحت ڪري.


2. لکڻ جو انورٽڊ پئرامد انداز:

هن انداز جي اثر کي واضح ڪرڻ لاءِ آرٽيڪل چونڊيو ۽ بنيادي حقيقتن کي لسٽ ڪري ترتيب ڏيو جيئن رپوٽر انهن کي پيش ڪري ٿو. ھاڻي لسٽ کي ٻيھر دائمي ترتيب سان لکو. ٻن فهرستن جي ڀيٽ ڪريو. اختلافن تي بحث ڪريو.



خبر لکڻ ۾ زاويه هڪ ڪهاڻي پيش ڪرڻ جو انداز اختيار ڪيو ويندو آهي. مثال طور ، سندريلا جي ڪهاڻي ۾ ڪيترائي ممڪن زاويه آهن.

• شهزادو زندگي جي محبت سان ملندو آهي.

• ماٽيلي ڀيڻ وحشي ارواھ ڪيو.

 • ايس پي سي اي ڪوئن سان بدسلوڪي جي نظر ثاني ڪئي.

• شهرين جو سروي ´جوتن جي سائيز جو عجيب نتيجو آھي.`

• اميرن جي ڪهاڻي جا راڳ.

• محلات فوٽمينز يونين جي اوورٽائم قيمت بابت هڙتال.

. پنهنجي اخبار ۾ مختلف قسمن جي زاوين جا مثال ڳوليو. هر مضمون ڪلپ ڪيو ۽ پنهنجي ئي لفظن سان گڏو گڏ وضاحت ڪريو ته ڪهڙو زاويه آهي.


. خبر ڪهاڻي لاءِ ھڪ موضوع چونڊيو جئين ڪيميائي خرابي. گروپن ۾ ممڪن زاويه تي بحث ڪيو جيڪو ان کي پيش ڪرڻ ۾ کڻي سگهجي. پنهنجي گروپ جي زاوين کي واپس ڪلاس ڏانهن رپورٽ ڪريو. ڏسو ته ڪيترا ڪلاس سان آيا هئا.

. ڪيترن چونڊيل مضمونن لاءِ ٻين زاوين بابت فيصلو ڪيو جيڪي اڳتي هلي ڪهاڻيون لکڻ ۾ مددگار ثابت ٿي سگهن ٿا.


 4 تعارف:

تعارف هڪ خبر ڪهاڻي جو پهريون جملو آهي. تعارف جون بنيادي ضرورتون اهي آهن ته:

پڙهندڙ جي توجه پڪڙيو

• مرڪزي خبر جي نقطي تي ڌيان ڏيو ('ڇا')

• مختصر رھو - 25 لفظن کان وڌيڪ نه.

• فعال استعمال ڪريو (ڪتو ڪوئي کي ماري ٿو) غير فعال (ڪوئو ڪتي کان ماريو ويو آھي).

 • مخصوص ۽ واضع رهو.

 • سادي ٻولي استعمال ڪريو.

 مٿين معيارن کي استعمال ڪندي اڄوڪي مقالي ۾ تعارف جي چونڊ جو تجزيو ڪيو.

اهي ڪئين ريٽ ڪندا؟ 

Practical work carried under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi, at Institute of Media & Communication Studies, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh Pakistan




The Keys to Effective Writing

Tips for Tackling Your Essays and Papers

Writing skills are essential for succeeding in high school, college, and at a job. If essays and papers stress you out, keep in mind, writing is not just an end result, but also a process that helps you develop your ideas and think logically.

Getting Started

Begin by brainstorming topics, collecting information, taking a lot of notes, and asking a lot of questions. Keep your notes and sources organized as you go.

When developing your topic, look for patterns and relationships. See what conclusions you can draw. Try discussing your ideas with classmates or your teacher. A new perspective can help shake up your thinking, and keep your momentum going.

Organize Your Writing

Develop an outline to help you stay on track as you write, identifying your main points and what you want to conclude. Keep in mind basic essay and paper structure:

          The introduction should give your reader an idea of the essay's intent, including a basic statement of what the essay will discuss.

          The body presents the evidence that supports your idea. Use concrete examples whenever and avoid generalities.

          The conclusion should summarize and make sense of the evidence you presented in the body.

The Rough Draft

You may find as you write that you end up with a different idea than the one you began with. If your first topic or conclusion doesn't hold water, be open to changing it. If necessary, re-write your outline to get yourself back on track.

Other important writing tips:

          Keep your audience in mind.
Write for the general reader, unless your teacher tells you otherwise. "The general reader" refers to anyone of average intelligence with a fairly sound, basic education.

          Get acquainted with the vocabulary.
Become familiar with the vocabulary of your subject. For example, when writing about fiction, drama, and poetry, critical writers use words such as: syntax, tone, attitude, voice, speaker, and thesis.

Refine and Proofread

When you're done, take a break so you can come back to your writing with fresh eyes. Ask yourself:

          Is the writing clear?

          Do the ideas make sense?

          Are all of my requirements fulfilled?

          Did I avoid repetition?

          Have I used proper grammar and spelling?

          How does it sound read out loud?

Leave enough time to show your draft to others -- use your school's writing center, if possible. A fresh perspective can help you polish your paper, and catch inconsistencies and mistakes.

Read More

What you read influences how you write and can become your teacher without you being aware of it. For example, if you read Great Expectations before writing a paper your writing will probably start to sound similar to Charles Dickens'. Of course the same goes if you read "Teen People."

Note sure what to read? If you liked a book you read in class, ask your teachers to recommend others like it, or read more by the same author. For ideas on great reading check out our 0,---,%20Great%20Books"101 Great Books list.

Reading is also a great way to conquer writers' block. Reading helps exercise your mind and get your ideas moving again. Of course, a great way to prevent writers' block is to write more.

Write More

You've heard it before, but this advice never gets old: practice makes perfect. The more writing you do, the better you'll get. And as your skills improve, so will your enjoyment. Here are a few ways some students write outside the classroom that you might want to consider:

          Keep a journal of your thoughts and the events of the day

          Start a zine with your friends on topics important to you

          Write letters to the editor of the magazines and newspapers you read

When you're in the habit of writing -- no matter what kind of writing it is -- papers and essays won't seem as difficult.

The Traditional Structure of News Writing

With thanks to Chris McLean from Sunday Star Times, Newspapers in Education.

          THE 5Ws AND THE H
Journalists are concerned with the 5Ws and the H (who did what, when, where, why and how). Any good news article will provide answers to all of these. Practise finding the 5Ws and the H in the articles of your choice. If one or more is missing suggest reasons that might explain why.

To illustrate the effect of this style choose an article and list the main facts in the order the reporter presents them. Now rewrite the list in chronological order. Compare the two lists. Discuss the differences.

In news writing the angle is the approach taken in presenting a story. For example, in the story of Cinderella there are many possible angles for a story:

          Prince meets love of life

          Stepsister treated brutally

          SPCA looks into maltreatment of mice

          Survey of citizens' shoe sizes has strange results

          Rags to riches story

          Palace Footmen's Union strike about overtime rates.


          Find examples of different types of angles in your newspaper. Clip each article and alongside in your own words explain what the angle is.

          Choose a topic for a news story such as a chemical spill. In groups discuss possible angles that could be taken in presenting it. Report your group's angles back to the class. See how many the class came up with.

          For several chosen articles decide on other angles that could be taken in writing follow-up stories.

The intro or introduction is the first sentence of a news story. The basic requirements of the intro are that it should:
Grab the reader's attention

          Concentrate on the main news point (the 'what')

          Be short - no longer than 25 words

          Use active (Dog kills rat) not passive (Rat killed by dog) verbs

          Be specific and clear

          Use simple language

Analyse a selection of intros in today's paper using the above criteria. How do they rate?


Practical work carried under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi

Department of Media and Communication studies University of Sindh, Jamshoro 
