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[[Vedio review
-Isra Soomro-MMC23]]
What is translation?
According to the youtube channel by “SohailSangi” translation mean is to convert text from one language to another language. The language you are given text in called source language and the language text is converted is known as target language.
The 1
There are 4 types of translation word to word translation, axis translation, abstract translation and free translation. Axis translation is considered best eay of translation.
In translation is is must to use to Appropriate meaning of each and every word. Every word has many meaning but you have to select appropriate meaning for the translation in trageted language.
French writer DonaltEightensays , you should take care of 5 things for translation.
It is not necessary that each and every word should be available in your targeted language you can borrow it from another language. For example your target language is Urdu you can borrow word from Sindhi
How To Write Headline?Basics
According to the youtube channel “SohailSangi”the headline is noted at the top of the any writing piece to capture the attention of the reader, it is most possible to be of one line. The headline is basically used to describe the writing piece.
In the world of newspaperheadline is given by “Subeditor”.
The function of the headline is to show the essence of total writing piece/news, attract the reader, words and the way of writing shows the importance of the new and it also helps in the layout of the News.
According to the video on YouTube by “SohailSangi” structure if the headline is divided into two types 1
=›Primary part mean that part which attracts the audience, noted in big Font size in Newpaper and gives basic and important information.
=›Function of secondary part is to give addition information to the reader that they think “there is no more need to read the news
There are a few kinds of headline such as the steamer and anchor super lead. steamer is commonly known as banner headline it cover all the columns of the newspaper or main lead.And currently cover all the columns or even 5 columns but it’s located at the bottom of the newspaper. super leave this place in three column Is also considered as important placed on the top of lead. Normally it is read it firstly by ordinance. it is also first printed on newspaper.
A hammer consists of one o more lines of primary over one or more lines of secondory . A kicker consists of one or more then one line of primary over one line of secondary.
A tripod consists of two or more lines of secondary started beside the primary . this is more graphically challenging design.
Practical work carried under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi
Department of Media and Communication studies University of Sindh, Jamshoro
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