Sunday, February 16, 2020

Sarmad Hussain Mangi Article Eng 52 Revised

Noise pollution in Pakistan

Sarmad Hussain
As there are so many pollutions in Pakistan but one of them with the fast growing
pollution is noise pollution, Is also increase side by side as not only in urban
areas but also in the rural areas of Pakistan.
As we know the noise level is in balance from 72 to 86 DB, which is actually high
and risky for the citizens of selected areas. Moreover, Pollution has become a big
threat now a days it does not only cause the various diseases but also it's one of
the major reasons for the global warming. Pollution has many kinds and noise
pollution is one of them.
Continuously horns of vehicles, sounds of vehicles, loud speaker sounds are the
major reasons for creating the noise pollution.
A person can become ill and depressed if he continuously hears these noises.
Further, let me define the kinds of noise pollution, work place noise, transport
noise, motor engines noise, high volume, toys noise etc. As now a days these
noises are too much harmful for the human-being and also for the animals.
Moreover, in current days the major cities of the Pakistan like in Karachi, Lahore,
Sukkur, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Quetta, and also other are suffering from noise
One of the main reasons of noise pollution is traffic noise created by buses,
water tanker, auto-rickshaw, trucks and also the major noise of airport for those
people whose houses are near to airports and many more.
Now let’s take another example about noise pollution of high volume as we have
heard high volume through marriage lawns, in vehicles people hearing song in
high volume, and also sometimes on the roads and in markets they were doing
advertisement of their products through high volume with the help of speakers.
Another kind of pollution is motor engines this is too major kind of noise pollution
noise of high machineries in factories, and many time people becomes irritated
by those high engines motors which used in building construction.

As well as in Pakistan has another category of toys noise pollution as in many
cities of Pakistan has play lands and in these play lands there are huge cradles
with huge motors which creates too much noise.
In addition work place noise catch example of work place in offices people make
noise as like when poor people came for getting their cash in banks etc.
It not only affects the human beings but also all the living things including plants.
Recently the scientists have researched that the noise pollution also affects
plants and trees, they made some noises in front of them and finally found them
in rotten condition on the other hand the plants who were put into calm and
silence were still healthy and in better condition, so through this research they
came to know that noise pollution also destroys plants and animals.
Noise levels in Pakistan have reached in critical level with average noise values
of 76.5% bring recorded in Karachi, 74% in Lahore, 72.5% in Islamabad, in
Quetta 70% and 86% in Peshawar-as according to WHO, noise above 70db is
considered painful.
More than that, is founded that noise pollution health effect in Pakistan are the
physical and psychological health corollary of regular disclosure consistent
inflated sound levels. Inflated workplace or environmental noise can cause
hearing impairment tinnitus, ischemic, hypertension, heart diseases, annoyance
and also sleeping disturbance.
According to the Pakistan WHO’s criteria, noise levels in a residential area
should be 45db, 55db in commercial areas and 65 in industrial areas. Note that
these are the maximum levels and yet in our major cities, the value is at least 10-
20db above the criteria.
There are some ways to cut noise pollution from the country and those are
education and attention about the consequences of noise pollution in massive
scale through media, Residential areas, hospitals, schools, etc. should be build
up far away from city area, The old automobiles should be replaced with the new
ones, Downtrend of no horn zone in residential, hospital and school areas, The
outbreak of nuclear bombs during the war should be crestfallen and the
plantation of trees in public places.

Most of the part is plagiarized from different web sites .Two link are mentioned.
pls write from ur own mind 
U have written 700 plus words but on Pakistan only 110 words while ur topics was on Pakistan
3-4 sentences for what is voice pollution, around 100 words about effects can be enough. Remaining should be about Pakistan
Mangi is proper noun, it should be with cap M
U have wrong subject line, wrong file name
Neither file name nor text shows whether it is article or feature etc
It should be:   Sarmad Mangi-Article Eng –MA roll  
Next time writing piece sent with wrong subject line, wrong file name or without mention of category of writing will not be considered. pls take note

Referred back, file again  till Saturday Feb 22

Noise pollution in Pakistan:
Sarmad Hussain mangi
Noise pollution is displeasing human animal or machine created sound that disrupt the acting or balance of human or animal life.
Noise pollution refers to an undesirable sound or sound which generates horrible discomfort on the ears. It is measured in decibels (dB) and sound levels beyond 100 dB can cause permanent hearing loss. Noise pollution is a huge problem because it creates discomfort, interferes with an individual’s peace of mind and lessens one’s quality of life. For instance, noise can disrupt sleep and prevent one from getting a rejuvenating rest due to the high sound vibrations. The American journal of preventive medicine discovered just how much noisy traffic damages you hearing health. They found that this noise pollution disturbed 11% of the population during the day and 4% at night. Psychology today reports that the number one cues for hearing loss actually is not age, its noise.
Noise pollution cause by traffic noise, air craft noise from the industries noise from construction civil engineering works from rail roads, consumer product load speakers public address system fire crackers appliances booking animal poor urban planning and from other courses in Pakistan unfortunately there is on legislation to deal with the noise or emanating from railway engines air craft or airport or industrial or constriction activities.
[In Pakistan noise pollution increases day by day, especially in Karachi and Lahore city. At precut there are on national standards for prescribing noise limits for residential areas industrial areas commercial areas or solera zones.
Creation of an unnecessary noise has to be prohibited and should be punishable under law which is made by the Pakistan environmental protection agency.
 No national surrey has been conducted to assess the noise level in cites. However, random tests in different cites showed that the noise level in most of the areas was a high as 70 to 90 dB the governments should pass the noise pollution control Act to meat special Pakistan condition.]
Noise pollution effects on humans i.e. hearing problems cardiovascular issues, trouble communicating effects on wild life lack of concentration fatigues and headache. Noise pollution damages nervous system of animals attiring prey predator detection crates problem in navigation they become dangerous and attacking raise metabolism reduction of usable habitat death of certain species and  evolutionary problems noise pollution also effects on environment i.e. breakage of earth barriers poor quality of crop damages buildings bridges  and monuments and weakens the edifice of building.
Noise pollution causes high blood pressure heart attack cancer theme coughing wheezing deafness annoyance stress anxiety insomnia reduced lung development bronchitis and arteriosus sclerosis.
Auditory Effects: Noise can cause loss of auditory sensory cells. This is a major and most probable impact of noise. There may be many causes of hearing loss, but the main cause is the result of intense exposure to noise. The noise can affect the human ears in mainly three ways: it can deaden or damage the hearing capability instantaneously, it can severally reduce the sensitivity of ear for a limited period of time and return to the normal position within minutes, days or weeks depending upon the intensity of noise.
Non-Auditory Effects: Due to noise there may be a large number of physiological and psychological effects on human health and can act and interact with other stress factors. Non-auditory effects include communication interference, sleep interference, concentration interference, annoyance and loss of working efficiency. Medical investigations have proved that noise can cause physiological stresses like blood pressure and increase heartbeat rate. Noise also disturbs sleep and cause speech interference. Noise intensity above 80 dB (A) may increase the aggressive behavior of a human being.
According to research skrzypek, M kowalska, M Czech, E.M Niewia domska E and Zejda T.E (2017) Road traffic noise impacts on sleep disturbances and attention disorders amongst school children. Proper law should be enforced to check the misuse of loudspeakers and public announcement systems. Installation of noise barriers on the roads maintenance of machines, urban planning.
Depending upon the length of use. Fire-crackers and cap guns emit impulse noise that exceed even conservative standards for noise exposure.
Residential area. Hospitals, school, etc.…, should be constructed far away from city area.
 The old automobiles should be replaced with the new ones. Deceleration of no horn zone in residential, hospital and school areas. The explosion of nuclear bombs during the war should be discouraged. Plantation of trees in public places.

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