Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Isra Soomro Feature English MA 23

Let's talk about Mini Dubai
Isra Soomro
MA Roll #23
Mini Dubai? Commonly known as Qasimabad a highly-populated area of Hyderabad, the majority of residents are Sindhis. Qasimabad is known as Mini Dubai because, as Dubai is surrounded by sea area, Qasimabad is surrounded by a slum area. People from different states move to Dubai for a healthy and wealthy life span, in the same way people of interior Sindh move to Hyderabad for the sake of a wealthy life span and welcomed by Qasimabad. Someone comes for the sake of education, some come for wealth and some come for sake of health.

Not so old not so new, history of Qasimabad let’s share with you, when Muhammad Bin Qasim invaded Sindh, Qasimabad was named after him. After 1947;People from the neighborhood state entered Sindh got no space,then an extension created for them, that extension was created in Hyderabad.

Qasimabad got popularity, after the dispute of Sindhi Mahajir in 1988. Sindhis from allover Hyderabad decided to move to Qasimabad, and made it populated but now you will find each and every cast in Qasimabad.
Qasimabad is called Mini Dubai just because of expensive markets just like Dubai. Each and everything is sold on high rates, no authorities are able to inquire about the rates. They sell goods on their rates, when they are been asked “why the rates are so high?” you will get a simple reply “because it is Imran Khan’s empire”.
Kiryana store, general store, medical, greengrocer store or pushcart, all are commonly found on Naseem Nagar chowk or Main Qasimabad Chowk. Lists provided by the government to them are never found. When we ask them about the list, they will always show you bye bye wrist and when they got raid by some authorities, they pay then handsome reward and get waive off from such authorities.

The reason behind their own generated price list are, the Elite class of Qasimabad. They don’t even bother to ask the rates,they not even leave their AC cars just order there drivers or retainer to pickup the goods from the store. Just because of these Elites of Qasimabad, every other class, lower, middle, or white-collarare suffering from the vendors wish list.

At Naseem Nagar chowk you can find Nana wala, Haleem and Biryani stall. These stalls most probably facilitate the labor class in the afternoon hours, who are working on sights and can’t go for lunch back to their houses. These stalls are also blessings for those students and bachelors, who live in a hostel near Wadhu Wah road. Same Biryani stall, sales savory snacks like Channa Chat and PaniPuri in evening hours. You can also find a Pharmacy at the same corners, we talked to the costumers available at that pharmaceutical store he said: “I use to buy every medicine from this store this store is reasonable and used to have all sorts of medicines ”. Here you can also find a mobile accessories shop and tea hotel. Which is very famous in this area, according to customers their tea is good from others.

On the other side of Naseem Nagar opposite Wadhu Wah, here you can find a laboratory of some private hospital. Residents of areas near to Wadhu Wah road don't need to go far away for any medical tests, it is a blessing or a gift for them. you can also find hardware and paint shop there,  according to the customer “this shop is a facility for the residents of Naseem Nagar and AlamdarChowk. But it is a little bit costly than the paint market in Bori Bazar”. After the paint shop you can find a restaurant which is been operated in the evening hours. Here you can find some barbershops as well as. I don’t know which one is better but trust me all of them must be having huge competition,.

If we compare the Qasimabad market with other markets in Hyderabad so it is quite costly than others.Greengrocer market in Qasimabad was selling ladyfingers for Rs150 kg, Onions Rs.50kg, cabbage Rs.80 kg,Potatoes Rs.40kg but on the other side, the market in Latifabad unit # 8 was selling vegetables on half rate of it or more than half in Qasimabad. We talked to one of the vendor at vegetable market unit # 8 we asked his rates of ladyfingers and potatoes, he said“the ladyfingers are for Rs.80 kg and Potatoes for Rs.20 kg”. Isn’t it's surprising that Latifabad market selling products for half of the rates in Qasimabad market?

Not only greengroery is expensive in Qasimabad but every sort of stuff, even the wholesale market. If you actually looking for wholesale rates you have to definitely go for the Latifabthead market or a market in City area.

Qasimabad is located west of Hyderabad so in this way it’s also nearby to Indus river but still people face water issues. Some areas of Qasimabad are suffering from lack of water and some of them getting  smelly water.

[[While talking to residents of]] Abdullah town about the storage of water, so one of resident Mr: ShazaibChanna told us that “there is no lack of water but yes we face smellywater in the water line supplied by WASA, we got water boring to meet requirements of freshwater”.Why are residents facing such issues? Where are there sreponsible people of Qasimabad municipal committee?

Hyderabad is one of the fast-growing cities of Pakistan and 2nd largest city of Sindh were Qasimabad is the most influenced area by the process of urbanization in Hyderabad.

Slums are commonly known as Kachi abadi, as in the start I told you our Mini Dubai is surrounded by slum areas so there’s one of the slum area at the end of Qasimabad where the army cantonment limit begins.Where water is standing as a result of sewage drained trough Wadhu wah, but who cares about these IDPs? I believe they might be facing more problems them Qasimabad.

 Due to the high population in Qasimabad, residents face traffic issues which is commonly known as traffic conjunction. Traffic conjunction is mostly cause byroad under construction which is waiting for more funds to be released by the government so they can be completed, but you and I know better where do these funds go. So no more comments, move to the next issue.

 Maximum traffic congestion is caused by the behavior of drivers. From research it’s clear that 74% of traffic conjunction is caused by drivers. And 70% traffic conjunction is caused in commercial areas of Qasimabad.
Car showrooms are also the main cause of traffic jams. Half of the roads are covered by their displayed cars. But no authorities are able to enquire about them. If they are questioned by any authority they just give bribe and problem solved.
According to Dawn newspaper of  7th March 2020; On 12th of January the protesters, led by the Nazim of the union council Abdul KhaliqChandio and leaders of the action committee, called upon the authorities to solve problems related to sewerage, drainage and roads in the Qasimabad. This really demanded RS.100 millions from the government for the improvements in local Sewage and drainage system. They have demanded repairs and reconstruction of regular roads and slum areas and small and old villages in Qasimabad but the interesting thing is that these all  problems have been resolved, but only on papers. Not in reality, and are never going to be.
I hope you might  got enough knowledge about the problems and issues faced by residents of Qasimabad . Keep Qasimabad in your prayers.


Revise it too many language and grammatical mistakes.
Compare Qasimabad with Latifabad and old city areas in prices, life style, social, cultural aspects etc.
Qasimabad is dominated by new urbanites, who have come from different rural areas of Sindh.
Rural cultural and social touch exists. This u have to show thru observation and talk with people.
Initially it was settlement of new elites of Sindhi speaking.
Proper noun should be with cap.
This has turned to be an article, not feature. 
Some fotos
Referred back

Let’s Visit Mini Dubai

Isra Soomro
MA  Roll #23
Mini Dubai ? Commonly known as Qasimabad, a highly populated area, located at West of Hyderabad. Qasimabad is known as Mini Dubai because, as Dubai is surrounded with sea area, Qasimabad is surrounded by slum area. As people come faraway from there countries to Dubai to earn money, in the same way people from interior Sindh , someone comes for earning ,some for studies or some for better lifestyle move to Mini Dubai (Qasimabad).  
Qasimabad was named after the ( do not put the with a person’s name) Muhammad bin Qasim invaded Sindh. After 1947 migrants arrived from across the border ,an extension to Hyderabad city was need along with the Latifabad so Qasimabad came into existence. (When)
Add this: Ethnic riots in old city area and dacoits activities in middle belt of Sindh of early nineties, turned this new settlement as pure Sindhi dominated. Otherwise, housing schemes had plots of other ethnic communities also.
 Earlier it was called Doabao
But now a days Qasimabad is know as Mini Dubai by it’s  locals, not only due to the reasons I mentioned before but because of it’s markets rates . Let’s start our journey from expensive markets of Qasimabad . Each and every thing is too costly and are being sale (sold)  on more then (than) there original price mentioned in price list provided by the government. But whenever you ask about the list provided by government they have a clear answer “ list are being changed on regular note so we don’t keep it” but the funny thing is that when they face any raid from authorities  bundle of list comes out from there shops and stalls  and they claim we charge customer according to the price list.
As  in upper paragraph I was talking about the local markets and the pushcart all over in the Qasimabad but on the other side, let’s talk  about super markets in Qasimabad such as Super save  Daily bachat and Max Bachat  there price rates are as comparativly low  to the local market just like market at Naseem Nagar chock and Ali Palace. They sale products at there wish list, no one is here to enquire them. No one is able to ask them not even government authorities.  So the residents of Qasimabad are obliged to buy goods on shopkeepers own price list or should say own generated high price list.
 Let’s move to the next destination, prices list are not the only issues for the residents of Qasimabad Lack of water is one of the main issue for the residents of Mini Dubai. As this town is located near to river Indus and some of the areas of this town are connected with dam still there is lack of water in Mini Dubai. But this is not issue for complete Qasimabad but for few areas in it. So now a days people have started drilling wells commonly known as boring at there own houses to complete(meet) requirement of fresh drinking water. [[We talked to few people The residents of ]] Abdullah town  faces  shortage of water.  A  resident Mr Shazaib Channa told us that “there is no lack of water but yes we face smiley drainage water in are freshwater line. This was the main reason we have drilled well in our home which facility as well as our neighbourhood. We don't use water line provided by WASA it’s  not in our use but still we have to pay it's bill” . Resident of area near to Ali Palace said “my house is located near to dam but still we face water issues . We don't get fresh water for week or some times more than a week. So it got necessary to drill the water well at our own place. Our boring water it little bit bitter but it is a common saying that something is better then nothing”.
 Lets continue our journey to next destination which is about traffic conjunction in main Qasimabad and Naseem Nagar chock, (chowk)  due to the uneven and destroyed road I believe majority of Qasimabad  own vehicle car, bike, Suzuki or any other sort vehicle. But roads of main Qasimabad  near Ali Palace are so worst, if you want to reach somewhere at 6 o'clock you have to leave your place at 5:30 o'clock.
In many areas they have drill hole for Sewage purpose but forgot to close them, it is dangerous but who cares about it, they are waiting for more  funds  to be released by government so they can close it, but you and me knows  better where does these funds  go. So no more comments on it and let’s continue our journey.
The reason for traffic conjunction in Qasimabad and Naseem Nagar chock is not only destroyed road,  but lack of implementation of traffic rules mainly in peak hours, unmanageable optimal transportation policies. Maximum traffic congestion is caused by behaviour of drivers while they drive, are also important factors of traffic jams. From research it’s clear that 74% of traffic conjunction is caused by drivers. And 70% traffic conjunction is caused in commercial areas. Naseem Nagar chock and main Qasimabad are well known commercial areas.
Our next destination are Slum areas of Qasimabad, Slum is usually used for people living under poverty lifestyle in Urban areas. Slums are caused in urban areas, reason of slum are disqualification of government to provide necessary living accommodation to rural migrants in Urban city/town. Hyderabad is the one of the fast  growing city of Pakistan and 2nd largest city of Sindh, were Qasimabad is most influenced area by the process of urbanization in Hyderabad . Slums are commonly known as Kachi abadi .
Slums area in Qasimabad are Baghri ghoat near Jejal Mao hospital, Kachi abadi opposite Honda palace Jamshoro road, Kachi abadi behind Shahbaz Building, Soomra ghoat near wadhu wah and many more it not necessary that every Kachi abadi has name and many of them move there abadi if they ordered by any authorities. Trust me they are the one who face all types of problems such like sewage , water issues , destroyed roads, garbage everywhere, ignored by district authorities, living under poverty level and many more.
According to Dawn news paper of  7th March 2020; On 12th of January the protestors, led by the Nazim of the union council Abdul Khaliq Chandio and leaders of the action committee, called upon the authorities to solve problems related with sewerage, drainage and roads in the Qasimabad. This really demanded  for RS  100 millions from government for the improvements in local Sewage and drainage system. They also demanded for repair reconstruction of  regular roads and slum areas and small and old villages in Qasimabad but the interesting thing is that  these all road and drainage problems have been resolved, but only on papers. Not in reality, and are never going to be.
Our journey of issue of Mini Dubai ends here. I hope you might you got enough knowledge about the problems and issues faced by residents of Qasimabad . Keep Qasimabad in your prayers.

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