Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Fahad Ali Janwari- Feature- Sindhi - MA 18

Feature-Fahad Ali Janwari- 2K20-MMC -18 (Medium Sindhi)
“ المنظر“ ڄامشوري جي اوج ۽ زوال جو قصو!

هي ان زماني جي ڳالھ آهي جڏهن ڄامشوري جي هوٽلن جي ڪڙاهي سڄي سنڌ ۾ مشهور هئي، تڏهن 
يونيورسٽين ۾ پڙهندڙ شاگرد هر روز پيرين پنڌ اچي ڄامشوري ڦاٽڪ تي هوٽلن تي ڪڙاهين جا آرڊر ڏيندا هئا،
ان ئي زماني ۾ اڃان ڪراچي واري سپر هاء وي تي حيدرآباد لاء باء پاس ڪون جڙيو هيو، سڄي ملڪ لاء ويندڙ سڄي ٽرانسپورٽ ڄامشوري ڦاٽڪ وٽان گذري سنڌو تي اڏيل غلام محمد بيراج واري پل مٿان گذرندي هئي..
پل تان گذرندڙ بس جي دريء مان ٻاهر سنڌو نديء جو منظر ڏسبو هيو ته دل باغ بهار ٿي پوندي هئي. اهڙن من موهيندڙ  منظرن کي المنظر جا منظر ويتر  دلڪش بڻائي ڇڏيندا هئا.
(المنظر وٽان سنڌو جي منظرجو فوٽو)
المنظر دراصل سنڌو نديء تي ڄامشوري وٽ جڙيل غلام محمد بيراج  ڀرسان هڪ ريسٽورنٽ جو نالو آهي، اها ريسٽورينٽ درياه جي ڪپ تي هجڻ ڪري هڪ خوبصورت تفريح گاھ پڻ بڻيل آهي المنظر وٽ سرسبز پارڪ، سنڌوء جو ڪنارو، درياءُ جا دلڪش نظارا سياحن کي هر وقت پاڻ ڏانهن ڇڪيندا رهن ٿا، درياءُ سان گڏ ڪي بي فيڊر واه جو خوبصورت نظارو پڻ من کي موھي وجھي ٿو..
المنظر وٽان سنڌو جي ڪپ توڙي ڪراچي واھ ۾ بيٺل ملاحن جون ٻيڙيون ۽ تڙڳندڙ ٻار هن تفريحي پوائنٽ جي حسن ۾ اضافو ڪري ڇڏين ٿا..
ڪنارن تي ڪنڍين سان مڇيون ماريندڙ شڪاري پڻ هتي جي فطري حسن ۾ گم ٿي ويندا آهن.  هونئن ته سنڌو درياھ پڻ هن سونهن سبب سڄي دنيا ۾ هڪ الڳ سڃاڻپ رکي ٿو پر المنظر وٽان سنڌو نديء جو نظارو اهڙو ته پيارو هوندو آهي جو اهو نظارو ڏسڻ لاء درياه جا ڪيئي ديوانا پري پري کان ڇڪجي اچن ٿا.
نم ۽ ٽالهي جي وڏن وڻن ۽ پل جي دل لڀائيندڙ منظرن سان گڏ هتي ايندڙ سياحن کي هڪ ٻي ڳالھ به پاڻ کي المنظرڏانهن خود ساختا طور ڇڪي اچي ٿي.
جي ها! المنظر جو پلو ڏيهان ڏيھ مشهور آهي، جنهن کي کائڻ لاء پري پري جا ماڻهو المنظر تي ڇڪجي اچن ٿا.
(پلي ترڻ وارو فوٽو)
هتي جا مقامي ملاح پلي ترڻ جا ماهر ڪاريگر آهن، هتي اچي سنڌو جي ڪپ تي تريل پلو کائڻ جو ته مزو ئي پنهجو آهي پر اگر من اندر جو ڪو ساٿي يا ھمفسر ساڻ ھجي ته رومانوي مزو پڻ اچي ٿو شايد اھيو سبب آھي جو اڪثر ماڻهو هتان ٺهيل پلو پيڪ ڪرائي کڻي به ويندا آهن.
پرھاڻي  رمانوي نظارن واري المنظر کي اوچتو الائي ڪهڙي نظر لڳي وئي.
 ڄامشوري جي سنڌو ڪناري تي ساھ ۾ سانڍڻ جهڙي ننڍڙي پر خوبصورت ماڳ المنظر کي رومانوي ماڳ طور ليکيو وڃي ٿو، جتي ڪيترن ئي دلين جو ميلاپ ٿئي ٿو، جتي جي وڻن جي ٿڙن تي وڇوڙن جا ورلاپ به لکيل آهن.
جڏهن  به سنڌ يونيورسٽي ۽ ڄامشوري جو ذڪر ٿئي ۽ تڏهن المنظر جي نظارن جي ڳالهه نه ٿئي اهو ممڪن ئي ناهي، پر هاڻي محبتن جي هن ماڳ کي لڳي ٿو ته ڪنهن جي نظر لڳي وئي آهي. ايئن لڳي ٿو پيار تي هاڻ پابنديون لڳي ويون آهن ان ڪري هاڻ هتي ايندڙ ويندڙ جوڙا فقط وڇوڙن جا گيت ڳائين ٿا.
سنڌو جي ڪناري تي قائم هي هوٽل  1960ع  ڌاري تعمير ٿي، 1980ع کان وٺي هن هوٽل کي خدا بخش ميرجت نالي هڪ همراه سنڀاليندو اچي ٿو..
هونئن ته سنڌ جي مختلف شهرن جا ماڻهو هن ماڳ تي گهمڻ لاءِ اڃان به ايندا آهن پر اڳ وارو اوج هاڻ باقي ناهي بچيو.
ڪڏهن ته هي ماڳ ڪنهن ميلي جو ڏيک ڏيندو هو ۽ ڪيترائي جوڙا هن ماڳ تي محبتن جو وچن ورجائيندي سنڌو کي ساکي بڻائي گڏ جيئڻ ۽ مرڻ جا وچن ورجائيندا هئا، پر هاڻ جڏهن هي ماڳ ويرانين جي ور چڙهي ويو آهي تڏهن هن ماڳ تي تمام ٿورا ماڻهون اچن ٿا.
 پاڻيءَ جي کوٽ سبب هاڻ ”پلو“ به اڻلڀ بڻجي ويو آهي، ڪو وقت اهڙو به هو جو ملاح ”پلو“ مڇي ماريندا هئا ۽ پوءِ هتان جو ”پلو“ دنيا جي مختلف ملڪن ڏانهن اماڻيو ويندو هو، پر هاڻ جڏهن پاڻيءَ جي کوٽ سنڌو درياهه کي ئي بنجر بڻائي ڇڏيو آهي تڏهن پلو به تمام گهٽ ملي ٿو.
المنظر ته اهڙو خوبصورت ماڳ آهي جنهن سان ماڻهن جون انيڪ يادون لاڳاپيل آهن، جن کي شايد ڪنهن ماڻهون جو من وساري سگهي.
هن ماڳ جي ڀرسان ڳوٺ سائينڏنو ملاح پڻ آهي، جنهن ۾ 500 کان وڌيڪ ملاحن جا گهر آهن، اهي ملاح مڇي ماري پيٽ گُذر ڪندا آهن، جڏهن ته پاڻيءَ جي کوٽ سبب ملاحن جو جياپو ڏکيو ٿي پيو آهي. ڪيترن ملاحن ته  متبادل روزگار به ڳولي ورتو آهي، پر اڪثر ملاح اڄ به مڇي ماري پيٽ پالين ٿا. هتي جا ڪيترائي ملاح سنڌو درياهه ۾ ٻڏي ويندڙ ماڻهن جي لاشن جي ڳولا به ڪن ٿا، پر حڪومت انهن جي ڪابه واهر نٿي ڪري. هن ماڳ وٽ سال ۾ تقريبن 50 کان مٿي ماڻهون سنڌو درياهه ۾ ٻڏي فوت ٿين ٿا، جن مان اڪثريت نوجوانن جي هوندي آهي، ڪجهه ماڻهو محبت ۾ ناڪامي يا وري زندگيءَ کان تنگ ٿي خودڪشي ڪندا آهن. هتي موجود ملاح خودڪشي جي ڪوشش ڪندڙ ۽ ترڻ دوران ٻُڏي ويندڙ ماڻهن کي بچائڻ جي ڪوشش ڪندا آهن. سنڌو درياهه ۾ ڪيترن ئي ماڻهن ٽِپو ڏئي خودڪشي ڪئي، جڏهن ته شهيد عرفان مهدي ۽ خوبصورت شاعر ماٺيڻو اوٺو به پنهنجو پاڻ کي سنڌو درياهه حوالي ڪري پاڻ ارپي ڇڏيو هو.

(عرفان مهدي جو فوٽو)

اهو ئي نه پر سنڌ يونيورسٽي جو بنياد رکندڙ علامه آء آء قاضي پڻ پاڻ کي المنظر وٽان ئي سنڌو جي حوالي ڪيو هيو.
 هاڻ ته نه سنڌو درياءُ جو اهو اڳيون اوج رهيو آهي نه ئي سيياه جون ساڳيون ڇوليون رهيون آهن نه وري ڇولين جو شور ٻڌجي ٿو.ھن وقت جتي خوبصورت جاين کي اجاڙيو اُتي هي ماڳ به ويرانين جي ور چڙهي ويو آهي. هوٽل مالڪ خدا بخش ميرجت يادگيرين جا ورق ورائيندي ٻڌايو ته ڪو وقت اهڙو به هو جڏهن هي علائقو مڪمل آباد هوندو هو، پر هاڻ درياءُ جي اجڙڻ جي ڪري هتي ماڻهو تمام گهٽ اچن ٿا، پر تنهن هوندي به جڏهن برساتن جي رم جھم ٿئي ت ماڻھون ھتان جو رخ ڪن ٿا ۽ ڏينهن جي وقت ماڻهو هن ماڳ تي گهمڻ ايندا آهن. هن چيو ته جيڪڏهن ھن ماڳ کي بھتر ڪرڻ لاءِ ڪي اُپاءَ ورتا وڃن ته هي ماڳ ٻيهر آباد ٿي سگهي ٿو ٻئي صورت ۾ ھي خوبصورت ماڳ اڃان ب ويران رهندو.
ڄامشوري مان سنڌو دريا جو سڪل پيٽ ڏسي انسان ڏکارو ٿي ٿو وڃي،
 هي اهو ئي درياءُ آهي جنهن جي مٿان اڏين پم تان گاڏيء ۾ گذرندي مهل ماڻهو درياھ جي  دهشت ڏسي اکيون بند ڪري دعائون گهرڻ لڳندا هئا ته جلدي دريا بادشاھ جي پل ڪراس ٿئي ته جان بچي، جڏهن پل ڪراس ٿي ويندي هئي ته مائٽ ٻارن کي زوري اکيون کولرائي چوندا هئا پٽ دريا ڪراس ٿي وياسين.
 اڄ جڏهن اسان جي ميڍيا به ڪافي شعور آندو آهي ۽  سنڌ ۾ ايترو شعور پيدا ٿيل آهي جو هزارين سال پراڻي قديم تهذيب جي اهڃاڻ سنڌي ٽوپي ۽ اجرڪ واري ڏينهن تي ڪراچي کان ڪشمور تائين همبوشا هڻي سونھن جي مالها ۾ سڄي قوم پوئجي پنهنجو ڳاٽ اوچو ڪندي فخر محسوس ڪري رهي آهي ته ان وقت اسان آڏو اهو سوال ڪر کڻي بيٺل آهي ته اهو ڪهڙو فخر آهي جو اسان جو جياپو، اسان جي ساھ جو ذريعو سنڌو درياھ سڪي ويو آهي، سندس خالي پيٽ ۾ قبضا خور فصل پيا پوکين.

(درياھ جي پيٽ ۾ فصلن جا فوٽو)

مونکي 1996ع ۾ مرتضي ڀٽو جي شهادت واري خبر کانپوء تقريبن زندگي جا تمام لمحا ياد آھي ان کان پهريان وارو زمانو ياد نه اٿم شايد تڏھن جو سمجھ جو معيار گهٽ هيو..
مونکي اڪثر بابا واندڪائي ۾  تفريح لاء المنظر ۽ راڻي باغ وٺي ايندو هو
اها 1999ع جي ڳالھ آھي جڏهن مان بابا سان گڏ المنظر تي گهمي رهيو هيس تڏهن مون هڪ خوبصورت جوڙي کي ڏٺو جنهن جي هنج ۾ هڪ ٻار ورتل هيو تڏهن مان به بابا کي بي حجاب ٿي چيو ته بابا مان به شادي ڪندم ته اسان به هڪ ٻار پيدا ڪنداسين
منهنجي معصوماڻي انداز سان ان ڳالھ تي بابا ايترو کليو هو جو بابا جا اهي ٺھڪ اڄ به ذهن ۾ گونجندا آھن ساڳي ڳالھ جڏهن گهر ۾ امان سان ڪئي ته امان جو بي انتھا مُرڪڻ به ياد اٿم ان ڳالھ کي وٺي گهرڀاتي ۾ اڄ به ڪڏهن ڪڏهن تنگ ڪندا آھن، اها الڳ ڳالھ آھي ته مان اڄ به شادي نه ڪري سگهيو آھيان..
خير ساڳي ئي سال جڏهن آمر پرويز مشرف ان وقت جي وزيراعظم نواز شريف جي حڪومت جو تختو اونڌو ڪري ملڪ جي گدي تي قابض ٿيو ت انهن ڏهاڙن کان جهڙو سنڌو جي تباهي شروع ٿي چُڪي هئي 2002ع ۾ سنڌو درياءُ ۾ ڪوٽڙي بئراج وٽان ڊائون اسٽريم ۾ پاڻي جو ڇوڙ بند ڪيو ويو ۽ مون پنهنجي ٻالڪپڻي واري زندگي ۾ سنڌوء جي پيٽ ۾ گاھ ڦٽندي ڪان ڏٺو، پر بابا به  مونکي ٻڌائيندو ھيو ته مان جڏهن کان هتي اچان پيو ت ڪڏهن سنڌو جي پيٽ گاھ نه ڏٺو آھي

ڪنهن دور ۾ ڄامشوري کان هيٺ لکين ملاح درياه جي پاڻي تي مڇي پلو ماري ۽  آبادي ڪري پنهنجي ٻچن جو پيٽ پاليندا هئا، پر اڄ ان ساڳئي ديس جا هي ديس واسي بک بدحالي ۽ بيوسي جي حالت ۾ زندگي گذارين پيا جنهن مان اسان جي شعور جي بيوسي ظاهر ٿي رهي آهي.

اها سال 2006 جي  ڳالھ آهي جڏهن هند جي تمام وڏي سنڌ ڄائي اديب هري موٽواڻي سنڌ ياترا ڪرڻ لاء هتي پهتو هئو ته درياھ جو سڪل پيٽ ڏسي هو پنهنجي وفد  کان پرڀرو ٿي ڄامشورو المنظر پل تي لهي  درياھ جي پيٽ ۾ اڪيلو ويهي ڏاڍو رنو هئو، پوءِ  اديبن جي وڏي تعداد جي اڳيان هري موٽواڻي روئي چيو هئو ته  اڙي يار، درياه دادلي جي هي حالت اوهان ڪيئن پيا برداش ڪريو، اسان سنڌين لاء تي هي ديياھ گنگا کان بي وڌيڪ پاڪ ۽ پوتر آهي، خدارا درياءُ کي بچايو ڇوته ديياھ ئي سنڌ جي جياپي جو واحد ذريعو آهي.
ان وقت هن درياھ جي پيٽ ۾ جهولي جهلي سندس "جل پوڄا" ڪئي ۽ چيائين ته"
اي سنڌو بادشاھ،
اي سنڌو درياءُ،
تو تان پنهنجي جان گهوريان،
اي سنڌو درياھ،
اي  سنڌو بادشاھ،
تون ئي اسان جي ساھ جو سبب آهين،
تون ئي اسان جي جسم ۾ امرت ڌارا اوتيندڙ آهين“."
هري موٽواڻي جي انهن ٻولن اتي بيٺلن جي جيء کي جهوري وڌو هئو.
ان وقت هري موٽواڻي المنظر تي موجود اديبن آڏو اها وصيت ڪئي ۽ چيو ته جيڪر مان هندستان ۾ مري وڃان ته منهنجون هڏيون ۽ رک سنڌو درياء ڪوٽڙي کان هيٽ پروان ڪجو، اگر سنڌو موج ۾ هوندو ت منهنجي  روح کي تسڪين ملندي. ۽ پوء  آخر ٿيو به ائين ئي ته هري موٽواڻي جڏهن ديهانت ڪري ويو ته سندس هڏڙيون ۽ رک ڪوٽڙي کان هيٺ شو جي مندر وٽان سنڌو ۾ پروان ڪيون ويون، شو جي مندر ئي سندس آخري رسمون به ادا ڪيون ويون.
هري موٽواڻي جي روح کي ته ضرور شانتي ملي هوندي پر اڄ ڄامشوري کان هيٺ درياھ جي پيٽ ۾ قبضي خورهر هلائي زمين جي پوکي ڪري رهيا آهن.
هي درياھ جنهن جي پيٽ مان هزارين پلا سمنڍ کان بيزاري اختيار ڪري سنڌو درياھ جي پاڪ پوتر پاڻي جا عاشق بڻجي اسان جي ملاۡحن کي خوشحال ۽ آباد ڪندا هئا پر افسوس ته اڄ نه ساڳيو پلو آهي نه ساڳيو پاڻي آهي.
درياھ دادلي جي پيٽ مان ٿر جي ڀٽن جيان دانهن ڪندي واري اڏامي رهي آهي جيڪا اسانجي شعور کي لڄائي پئي ۽ شاهدي ڏي ٿي ته سنڌ جا هي ديس واسي بيوس آهن. جيتوڻيڪ ٿر جي واريء ٿر جي ڀٽن کي ڀڙڀانگ به ڪيو آهي پر ساڳئي وقت ساڳي واري ٿر جي سونھن ۽ سوڀيا جي علامت به آهي پر سڪل سنڌو درياه جي اها واري اسان کي روئي ٻڌائي پئي تي مون کي اوهان جي سنڌو درياء جي پاڻي جي ضرورت آهي، جيڪڏهن سنڌو درياھ ۾ ڪوٽڙي کان هيٽ پاڻي نه ڇڏيو ويو ته المنظر جهڙا نه ڄاڻ ٻيا ڪيترا منظر ويران ٿي ويندا.
المنظر جون رونقون به سنڌو درياھ جي آباد هجڻ سان آهي، سنڌو جو وهڪرو جارص هوندو ته المنظر تي به رونقون وري موٽي اينديون، ان ڪري ضرورت انهيءَ ڳالهه جي آهي ته انظر جي هن خوبصورت ماڳ کي ٻيهر آباد ڪرڻ لاءِ ڪي قدم کنيا وڃن ته جيئن ماڻهو هن ماڳ تي پهچي گهڙي لاءِ سُڪون حاصل ڪن ۽ هن اُجڙيل ماڳ جون سموريون رونقون واپس موٽي اچن.

Ahsan Ilyas - English Feature - MA- 08 - Revised

Editors pls check, are instructions carried?
Ahsan Ilyas - Feature - MA Roll.08

A mouth-watering Food street, You're every most loving and favorite clothing brand, Running or wedding different variety of shoe Brands, Shopping malls, Gaming zone, the most loving, valuable, demanding and beautiful place of Hyderabad “Autobahn road”.

Autobahn road is one of the best places of Hyderabad for visiting. It has the beauty of the environment; people visit there from different places to spend their precious time on the autobahn road because of the facilities available there.

People from different cities come to branded shops on autobahn roads for shopping and enjoyment. Because of the visitors, this road Generates millions of revenue daily. The reason is the Restaurants, Hotels, Gaming zones, shoe brands, bakeries, showrooms, and other businesses/outlets.

Nowadays the new Business started as a FOOD PANDA. Through food panda, people do orders from their home and get food at home. Because of this unique service restaurants are getting more revenue because peoples are facilitating and getting food at home with ease.

This road is always busy on any national/Religious occasion like Eid, 14/aug, new year, 13 march, etc. People spent time in restaurants, shopping malls, ice cream shops so it always keeps shining and busy.
The reason for the establishment of Autobahn road is when foreigners come and go they will not have any interaction from the city.

The first Autobahn road (autoroute) of the planet was constructed in 1924 in Italy. It was 85 kilometers long between Milan verse but when we come to the history of Autobahn road of Hyderabad, one retired British army engineer designed that expressway & it has platted through Colombo plan.

 The organization of Asia Pacific and its countries whose headquarter was in Colombo, they wove Autobahn road in the early ’50s because they wanted to change the expressway into Capital. So they gave an idea that the Capital of Sindh should be changed and Federative Capital inhabited Karachi Pakistan. So, they surveyed three sites, that are North Nazimabad Karachi, Latifabad Hyderabad & Run Patani (Railway station)

They first choose Run Patani but they skipped that place because of some issues they had to drop Run Patani, Then they decided that if they have taken Federative Coterie in Islamabad but they dropped that decision too due to some issues so that the decision was underacted.

But the planning of Latifabad has been made through a master plan of Latifabad Hyderabad. In which Autobahn road had to work definitively as an expressway in Latifabad Hyderabad. So, in that matter, it has been established. Despite this Zeal Pak factory also established due to Autobahn road with the help of New Zealand because Newzealand was also a great member of the Colombo plan.

Autobahn road completely changes from its past. Now the employment opportunities are more because several businesses exist on this road. The development is a good sign for the locals that some investment is flowing in the city which will bring more employment opportunities for the people of Hyderabad. Hyderabad is developing rapidly like another big city in Pakistan & Autobahn road is turning into the Tariq road of Karachi.

 It was a time when there were few restaurants on Autobahn road. In one of those Fish point and MacDonald’s. After 2010, Multinational Fast food chains started the business here. There were a few apartments. When people saw growing businesses there and the development process people started purchasing properties there and the mindset was after some time their property value will increase when businesses start on this road. This is how this area Commercialized. 

Driving at nights in late hours on Autobahn road gave a sense that it is a peaceful place. It is a very busy road and traffic can be seen on Autobahn road till midnight and people sit out late on Ice cream and tea spots. The weather of the Hyderabad at night is cold and amazing.

Because of the valuable place many head offices of Companies located at autobahn such as Mobilink, Telenor, Ufone, Samsung, Hero construction, Careem, Uber, etc.

Toyota Hyderabad Motors is the only Showroom in Hyderabad where peoples come to buy Cars. There are many more Car showrooms available on Autobahn road. People visit different cities to modify their cars. 

Boulevard Mall is one of the best visiting places in Hyderabad. Boulevard Mall is an ultra-modern sleek & high-end Shopping Mall of Great Metropolis of Hyderabad, 2nd largest city & cultural capital of Sindh. This mall is equivalent to any modern mall in Canada and Europe. 

People Celebrate their Birthdays and other parties on autobahn road. Many restaurants provide celebrating rooms for parties. For any festival or any occasion, there are very nice bakeries where you can buy delicious cakes and other Refreshments. This place is a nice place for people who want to enjoy it.

People of Qasimabad and latifabad love to do shopping from autobahn road. but when they started visited other markets of Hyderabad ex; shaheen market, Gul center, tilak chahri, cloth market, shahi bazaar, etc. They found the price difference and realized that on the autobahn the prices are expensive in comparison to other markets. 

This is how other market places getting benefits and mostly if you visit these markets you will always see a rush of the people because the prices are reasonable and the important thing is on autobahn there are mostly brands where the prices are fixed. You can’t bargaining for the price. But sometimes you don’t get comfortable with the price so that is why other market places are getting benefits because of consumer behavior and demands. 

Most people do rush on their favorite brand on any festival or any other occasion because of the discounted offers by the brands.

There are Coffe shops where people spend time with families and friends. Mostly youngsters spend their precious time playing PUBG, Ludo and other games on Coffe shops.

You can experience parking issues on Autobahn road because of the traffic and motors on the road. From the last 2-3 years, the visitor of the autobahn road is charging for parking. Sometimes people do not like to pay, they annoy for this tax.

The only park on Autobahn road is Shaheed Millat Park. It is a nice place for families. People come here to spend their time. Many Festivals in Hyderabad has been organized in this park. Such as Musical Night, Tiktok night, Sufi night, etc.

If we talk about some unique advance technologies here. In March 2019there is a unique business started at Autobahn road. It is a Car wash station. It is the first Auto Tunnel car wash in Hyderabad which is located in autobahn opposite Toyota Hyderabad motors.

Hyderabad is getting developed day by day and in the development, there is the main role of Autobahn road because of this valuable place companies are coming from different cities and starting their businesses in Hyderabad and they are opening their offices on autobahn road.

It was a time even today people go for other cities like Karachi and Islamabad for jobs because of the lake of opportunities in Hyderabad. But now development is a good sign for the jobless people in Hyderabad.

Not reporting based.
Not in feature style, turned to be an article
How and when it was commercialised
Intro should be current. 
Do not insert foto in the text file
Referred back file till March 12

Ahsan Ilyas -  Feature - MA  Roll.08

The first Autobahn road (autoroute) of the planet was constructed in 1924 in Italy. It was 85 kilometers long between Milan verse but when we come to the history of Autobahn road of Hyderabad, one retired British army engineer designed that expressway & it has platted through Colombo plan.

The organization of Asia Pacific and its countries whose headquarter was in Colombo, they wove Autobahn road in the early ’50s because they wanted to change the expressway into Capital. So they gave an idea that the Capital of Sindh should be changed and Federative Capital inhabited Karachi Pakistan. So, they surveyed three sites, that are North Nazimabad Karachi, Latifabad Hyderabad & Run Patani (Railway station)
They first choose Run Patani but they skipped that place because of some issues they had to drop Run Patani, Then they decided that if they have taken Federative Coterie in Islamabad but they dropped that decision too due to some issues so that the decision was underacted.

But the planning of Latifabad has been made through a master plan of Latifabad Hyderabad. In which Autobahn road had to work definitively as an expressway in Latifabad Hyderabad. So, in that matter, it has been established. Despite this Zeal Pak factory also established due to Autobahn road with the help of New Zealand because Newzealand was also a great member of the Colombo plan.
The reason for the establishment of Autobahn road is when foreigners come and go they will not have any interaction from the city.
Autobahn road completely changes from its past. Now the employment opportunities are more because several businesses exist on this road. The development is a good sign for the locals that some investment is flowing in the city which will bring more employment opportunities for the people of Hyderabad. Hyderabad is developing rapidly like another big city in Pakistan & Autobahn road is turning into the Tariq road of Karachi.
Driving at nights in late hours on Autobahn road gave a sense that it is a peaceful place. It is a very busy road and traffic can be seen on Autobahn road till midnight and people sit out late on Ice cream and tea spots. The weather of the Hyderabad at night is cold and amazing.
Because of the valuable place many head offices of Companies located at autobahn such as Mobilink, Telenor, Ufone, Samsung, Hero construction, Careem, Uber, etc.

Below is commercial side, there is no human angle
There are two shopping malls at Autobahn road.
1- Boulevard mall
2- Unique Mall

Boulevard Mall
is one of the best visiting places in Hyderabad. Boulevard Mall is an ultra-modern sleek & high-end Shopping Mall of Great Metropolis of Hyderabad, 2nd largest city & cultural capital of Sindh. This mall is equivalent to any modern mall in Canada and Europe. One-stop-shop for endless fun, shopping, fine dining, grocery shopping, Movie experience, Kids and Adult play area with gaming zone and all world brands are here to shop in a relaxed manner. Mall has a huge car parking and such a cool interior design. It is a must-see destination for anyone visiting Hyderabad Sindh. People also come from other cities to visit Boulevard mall.

The unique shopping Mall was opened in 2018. It is also a nice place for shopping, fast food, and enjoyment. It is not popular as Boulevard mall.

In March 2019,
there is a unique business started at Autobahn road. It is a Car wash station. It is the first Auto Tunnel car wash in Hyderabad which is located in autobahn opposite Toyota Hyderabad motors.

Through the advance machinery, the car can be wash in just 9 minutes with excellent cleaning. It saves customers time and customers are happy with the new experience.

Fateh Mill on Autobahn road it is
incorporated as a private company in 1952, FATEH TEXTILE MILLS LTD is the foundation stone of FATEH GROUP. Due to rapid growth and business expansion, the company became public limited in 1961 and since then is listed on Karachi Stock Exchange.

Hyderabad is famous for Hospitality because people of Hyderabad are so loving and caring. They eat delicious food that’s why they serve delicious.

We can consider Autobahn road as the food street as Burns road because you can find many delicious dishes/food. There are Famous restaurants at autobahn such as Royal taj, Hyderabad Darbar, Rakabi Restaurant, Lal Qila, Ridan House of Mandi, Royal Taj, Shama Tikka, PK roll point.

International Fast Food chains:
There are many international and multinational Fast food chains available at autobahn road such as McDonald's, Pizza track, PIATTO, Steak N Escape, Domino’s, Burger Lab, Burger king.

Clothing outlets:
Eid or 14 Aug, Birthday or event visit the Autobahn road to buy clothes for each festival because there you can find brands like Levi’s, Outfitters, Ideas, Ego, Khaadi, Zubaida Store, Gul Ahmed, Edenrobe, Junaid Jamshed (j.), Alkaram, Kapray, Chain one, The Dinners.

Shoe outlets:
If you are searching for the best shoe so you can visit autobahn road because there you can visit Brands where you can find amazing shoes.
Famous outlets are Borjan, Bata, Service, English boot house, Stylo, WalkEaze, ECS, Stiletto, Khanbaba.

For any festival, Birthday parties and events there are nice bakeries available to make your event sweet. The most popular at autobahn New York Bakery, My new Bakery, Black & Brown, Pie in the sky.

School & Colleges:
For the great environment and the bright future of children school and colleges are available.
Army Public School, The Smart school, County Girls College, Hayat's Girls college & school, The Spark school, Beaconhouse school system, New Falcon House Grammar school and college.

The only park at autobahn road is Shaheed -e- Millat park.
Many times this park gets the chance to organize events such as Musical Night, Tiktok night, Sufi night, etc.

Car Showroom:
Toyota Hyderabad Motors is the only Showroom in Hyderabad where peoples come to buy Cars. They are
3S Authorized Dealer for New as well as Used Vehicles. They provide Excellent Repairing and Maintenance service by Highly Skilled Toyota Trained Technicians along with Genuine Parts.

There are many more Car showrooms available on Autobahn road such as Isuzu Yes motors, Prince Siddiqui motors, Car city motors, Zeeshan Autos, Abdul Wahab motors, and other Car Showrooms, auto parts shop and mechanics available there. People visit from other cities to modify their cars.

Autobahn road is a loving place for car lovers because of the facilities available at this place.

People from different cities come to branded shops on autobahn road. This road Generates millions of revenue daily. The reason is the Restaurants, Hotels, Game zones, Famous international shoe brands, bakeries, showrooms, and other businesses/outlets.

Nowadays the new Business started as a FOOD PANDA. Through food panda, people do orders from their home and get food at home. Because of this unique service restaurants are getting more revenue because peoples are facilitating and getting food at home with ease.

This road is always busy on any national/Religious occasion like Eid, 14/aug, new year, 13 march, etc. Peopl
e spent time in restaurants, shopping malls, ice cream shops so it always keeps shining and busy.

Isra Soomro Feature English MA 23

Let's talk about Mini Dubai
Isra Soomro
MA Roll #23
Mini Dubai? Commonly known as Qasimabad a highly-populated area of Hyderabad, the majority of residents are Sindhis. Qasimabad is known as Mini Dubai because, as Dubai is surrounded by sea area, Qasimabad is surrounded by a slum area. People from different states move to Dubai for a healthy and wealthy life span, in the same way people of interior Sindh move to Hyderabad for the sake of a wealthy life span and welcomed by Qasimabad. Someone comes for the sake of education, some come for wealth and some come for sake of health.

Not so old not so new, history of Qasimabad let’s share with you, when Muhammad Bin Qasim invaded Sindh, Qasimabad was named after him. After 1947;People from the neighborhood state entered Sindh got no space,then an extension created for them, that extension was created in Hyderabad.

Qasimabad got popularity, after the dispute of Sindhi Mahajir in 1988. Sindhis from allover Hyderabad decided to move to Qasimabad, and made it populated but now you will find each and every cast in Qasimabad.
Qasimabad is called Mini Dubai just because of expensive markets just like Dubai. Each and everything is sold on high rates, no authorities are able to inquire about the rates. They sell goods on their rates, when they are been asked “why the rates are so high?” you will get a simple reply “because it is Imran Khan’s empire”.
Kiryana store, general store, medical, greengrocer store or pushcart, all are commonly found on Naseem Nagar chowk or Main Qasimabad Chowk. Lists provided by the government to them are never found. When we ask them about the list, they will always show you bye bye wrist and when they got raid by some authorities, they pay then handsome reward and get waive off from such authorities.

The reason behind their own generated price list are, the Elite class of Qasimabad. They don’t even bother to ask the rates,they not even leave their AC cars just order there drivers or retainer to pickup the goods from the store. Just because of these Elites of Qasimabad, every other class, lower, middle, or white-collarare suffering from the vendors wish list.

At Naseem Nagar chowk you can find Nana wala, Haleem and Biryani stall. These stalls most probably facilitate the labor class in the afternoon hours, who are working on sights and can’t go for lunch back to their houses. These stalls are also blessings for those students and bachelors, who live in a hostel near Wadhu Wah road. Same Biryani stall, sales savory snacks like Channa Chat and PaniPuri in evening hours. You can also find a Pharmacy at the same corners, we talked to the costumers available at that pharmaceutical store he said: “I use to buy every medicine from this store this store is reasonable and used to have all sorts of medicines ”. Here you can also find a mobile accessories shop and tea hotel. Which is very famous in this area, according to customers their tea is good from others.

On the other side of Naseem Nagar opposite Wadhu Wah, here you can find a laboratory of some private hospital. Residents of areas near to Wadhu Wah road don't need to go far away for any medical tests, it is a blessing or a gift for them. you can also find hardware and paint shop there,  according to the customer “this shop is a facility for the residents of Naseem Nagar and AlamdarChowk. But it is a little bit costly than the paint market in Bori Bazar”. After the paint shop you can find a restaurant which is been operated in the evening hours. Here you can find some barbershops as well as. I don’t know which one is better but trust me all of them must be having huge competition,.

If we compare the Qasimabad market with other markets in Hyderabad so it is quite costly than others.Greengrocer market in Qasimabad was selling ladyfingers for Rs150 kg, Onions Rs.50kg, cabbage Rs.80 kg,Potatoes Rs.40kg but on the other side, the market in Latifabad unit # 8 was selling vegetables on half rate of it or more than half in Qasimabad. We talked to one of the vendor at vegetable market unit # 8 we asked his rates of ladyfingers and potatoes, he said“the ladyfingers are for Rs.80 kg and Potatoes for Rs.20 kg”. Isn’t it's surprising that Latifabad market selling products for half of the rates in Qasimabad market?

Not only greengroery is expensive in Qasimabad but every sort of stuff, even the wholesale market. If you actually looking for wholesale rates you have to definitely go for the Latifabthead market or a market in City area.

Qasimabad is located west of Hyderabad so in this way it’s also nearby to Indus river but still people face water issues. Some areas of Qasimabad are suffering from lack of water and some of them getting  smelly water.

[[While talking to residents of]] Abdullah town about the storage of water, so one of resident Mr: ShazaibChanna told us that “there is no lack of water but yes we face smellywater in the water line supplied by WASA, we got water boring to meet requirements of freshwater”.Why are residents facing such issues? Where are there sreponsible people of Qasimabad municipal committee?

Hyderabad is one of the fast-growing cities of Pakistan and 2nd largest city of Sindh were Qasimabad is the most influenced area by the process of urbanization in Hyderabad.

Slums are commonly known as Kachi abadi, as in the start I told you our Mini Dubai is surrounded by slum areas so there’s one of the slum area at the end of Qasimabad where the army cantonment limit begins.Where water is standing as a result of sewage drained trough Wadhu wah, but who cares about these IDPs? I believe they might be facing more problems them Qasimabad.

 Due to the high population in Qasimabad, residents face traffic issues which is commonly known as traffic conjunction. Traffic conjunction is mostly cause byroad under construction which is waiting for more funds to be released by the government so they can be completed, but you and I know better where do these funds go. So no more comments, move to the next issue.

 Maximum traffic congestion is caused by the behavior of drivers. From research it’s clear that 74% of traffic conjunction is caused by drivers. And 70% traffic conjunction is caused in commercial areas of Qasimabad.
Car showrooms are also the main cause of traffic jams. Half of the roads are covered by their displayed cars. But no authorities are able to enquire about them. If they are questioned by any authority they just give bribe and problem solved.
According to Dawn newspaper of  7th March 2020; On 12th of January the protesters, led by the Nazim of the union council Abdul KhaliqChandio and leaders of the action committee, called upon the authorities to solve problems related to sewerage, drainage and roads in the Qasimabad. This really demanded RS.100 millions from the government for the improvements in local Sewage and drainage system. They have demanded repairs and reconstruction of regular roads and slum areas and small and old villages in Qasimabad but the interesting thing is that these all  problems have been resolved, but only on papers. Not in reality, and are never going to be.
I hope you might  got enough knowledge about the problems and issues faced by residents of Qasimabad . Keep Qasimabad in your prayers.


Revise it too many language and grammatical mistakes.
Compare Qasimabad with Latifabad and old city areas in prices, life style, social, cultural aspects etc.
Qasimabad is dominated by new urbanites, who have come from different rural areas of Sindh.
Rural cultural and social touch exists. This u have to show thru observation and talk with people.
Initially it was settlement of new elites of Sindhi speaking.
Proper noun should be with cap.
This has turned to be an article, not feature. 
Some fotos
Referred back

Let’s Visit Mini Dubai

Isra Soomro
MA  Roll #23
Mini Dubai ? Commonly known as Qasimabad, a highly populated area, located at West of Hyderabad. Qasimabad is known as Mini Dubai because, as Dubai is surrounded with sea area, Qasimabad is surrounded by slum area. As people come faraway from there countries to Dubai to earn money, in the same way people from interior Sindh , someone comes for earning ,some for studies or some for better lifestyle move to Mini Dubai (Qasimabad).  
Qasimabad was named after the ( do not put the with a person’s name) Muhammad bin Qasim invaded Sindh. After 1947 migrants arrived from across the border ,an extension to Hyderabad city was need along with the Latifabad so Qasimabad came into existence. (When)
Add this: Ethnic riots in old city area and dacoits activities in middle belt of Sindh of early nineties, turned this new settlement as pure Sindhi dominated. Otherwise, housing schemes had plots of other ethnic communities also.
 Earlier it was called Doabao
But now a days Qasimabad is know as Mini Dubai by it’s  locals, not only due to the reasons I mentioned before but because of it’s markets rates . Let’s start our journey from expensive markets of Qasimabad . Each and every thing is too costly and are being sale (sold)  on more then (than) there original price mentioned in price list provided by the government. But whenever you ask about the list provided by government they have a clear answer “ list are being changed on regular note so we don’t keep it” but the funny thing is that when they face any raid from authorities  bundle of list comes out from there shops and stalls  and they claim we charge customer according to the price list.
As  in upper paragraph I was talking about the local markets and the pushcart all over in the Qasimabad but on the other side, let’s talk  about super markets in Qasimabad such as Super save  Daily bachat and Max Bachat  there price rates are as comparativly low  to the local market just like market at Naseem Nagar chock and Ali Palace. They sale products at there wish list, no one is here to enquire them. No one is able to ask them not even government authorities.  So the residents of Qasimabad are obliged to buy goods on shopkeepers own price list or should say own generated high price list.
 Let’s move to the next destination, prices list are not the only issues for the residents of Qasimabad Lack of water is one of the main issue for the residents of Mini Dubai. As this town is located near to river Indus and some of the areas of this town are connected with dam still there is lack of water in Mini Dubai. But this is not issue for complete Qasimabad but for few areas in it. So now a days people have started drilling wells commonly known as boring at there own houses to complete(meet) requirement of fresh drinking water. [[We talked to few people The residents of ]] Abdullah town  faces  shortage of water.  A  resident Mr Shazaib Channa told us that “there is no lack of water but yes we face smiley drainage water in are freshwater line. This was the main reason we have drilled well in our home which facility as well as our neighbourhood. We don't use water line provided by WASA it’s  not in our use but still we have to pay it's bill” . Resident of area near to Ali Palace said “my house is located near to dam but still we face water issues . We don't get fresh water for week or some times more than a week. So it got necessary to drill the water well at our own place. Our boring water it little bit bitter but it is a common saying that something is better then nothing”.
 Lets continue our journey to next destination which is about traffic conjunction in main Qasimabad and Naseem Nagar chock, (chowk)  due to the uneven and destroyed road I believe majority of Qasimabad  own vehicle car, bike, Suzuki or any other sort vehicle. But roads of main Qasimabad  near Ali Palace are so worst, if you want to reach somewhere at 6 o'clock you have to leave your place at 5:30 o'clock.
In many areas they have drill hole for Sewage purpose but forgot to close them, it is dangerous but who cares about it, they are waiting for more  funds  to be released by government so they can close it, but you and me knows  better where does these funds  go. So no more comments on it and let’s continue our journey.
The reason for traffic conjunction in Qasimabad and Naseem Nagar chock is not only destroyed road,  but lack of implementation of traffic rules mainly in peak hours, unmanageable optimal transportation policies. Maximum traffic congestion is caused by behaviour of drivers while they drive, are also important factors of traffic jams. From research it’s clear that 74% of traffic conjunction is caused by drivers. And 70% traffic conjunction is caused in commercial areas. Naseem Nagar chock and main Qasimabad are well known commercial areas.
Our next destination are Slum areas of Qasimabad, Slum is usually used for people living under poverty lifestyle in Urban areas. Slums are caused in urban areas, reason of slum are disqualification of government to provide necessary living accommodation to rural migrants in Urban city/town. Hyderabad is the one of the fast  growing city of Pakistan and 2nd largest city of Sindh, were Qasimabad is most influenced area by the process of urbanization in Hyderabad . Slums are commonly known as Kachi abadi .
Slums area in Qasimabad are Baghri ghoat near Jejal Mao hospital, Kachi abadi opposite Honda palace Jamshoro road, Kachi abadi behind Shahbaz Building, Soomra ghoat near wadhu wah and many more it not necessary that every Kachi abadi has name and many of them move there abadi if they ordered by any authorities. Trust me they are the one who face all types of problems such like sewage , water issues , destroyed roads, garbage everywhere, ignored by district authorities, living under poverty level and many more.
According to Dawn news paper of  7th March 2020; On 12th of January the protestors, led by the Nazim of the union council Abdul Khaliq Chandio and leaders of the action committee, called upon the authorities to solve problems related with sewerage, drainage and roads in the Qasimabad. This really demanded  for RS  100 millions from government for the improvements in local Sewage and drainage system. They also demanded for repair reconstruction of  regular roads and slum areas and small and old villages in Qasimabad but the interesting thing is that  these all road and drainage problems have been resolved, but only on papers. Not in reality, and are never going to be.
Our journey of issue of Mini Dubai ends here. I hope you might you got enough knowledge about the problems and issues faced by residents of Qasimabad . Keep Qasimabad in your prayers.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Qirat M.Shakeel-Article-Urdu - MA-42 Late

یہاں پر مصنفہ کا نام رول نمبر کلاس، اور کون سی صنف ہے یہ اردو اور انگلش دونوں میں لکھنا چاہئے۔
فائیل کا نام غلط ہے۔ 
آئندہ اس بات کا خیال رکھیں 
املا کی بہت ساری غلطیاں ہیں۔
یہ ذہن میں رکھیں کہ یہ تحریریں اخبار یا میگزین میں شایع ہونی ہیں، کس پر مارکس بھی ہیں۔
آرٹیکل میں اعداد وشمار اور کوئی مستند حولاے لازمی ہیں۔ صرف اپنے خیالات نہیں چلتے۔
آرٹیکل سے لگے کہ یہ کون سے سال میں لکھا گیا ہے اس کے لئے اس سال کے تازہ ترین چیز کا حوالہ لازمی ہے۔

انٹر نیٹ کے اثرا ت 

جیسے جیسے انسا ن تر قی کر تا جا رہا ہے، اپنی آسا نی کے لئے نت نئی ایجا د کر تا جا رہا ہے انہی تما یجا دا د میں انٹر نیٹ نے انسا نی زندگی اس کے رشتو ں اور اس کے رہن سہن میں انقلا ب پر پا کر دیا ہے، انٹر نیٹ سے ہمیں اہم معلو ما ت، تفر یح اور و ا بطہ تو حاصل کر رہے تھے، لیکن اب آن لا ئن شا پنگ، ٹر ین اور جہا ز کی بکنگ اور دیگر سہو لت بھی فرا ہم ہو رہی ہیں، اور تو اور آن لا ئن بینکنگ بھی انٹر نیٹ کے بدو لت ہے، اس میں اور انقلا ب کر پٹو کر نسی نے پر پا کر دیا ہے۔
اگر دیکھا جا ئے تو پو ری دنیا میں 97%لو گ انٹر نیٹ جیسے جدد سے نا کہ صر ف آشا نہ ہے بلکہ اس کے تر یقے استعما ل سے بھی با خو بی و ا قف ہے، اس ٹیکنلو جی کو رو ز بر و ز جدید بنا یا جا رہا ہے لیکن اس کے بر عکس ابتدا سے لیکر اب تک اکثر اس کا استعمال کر نے و الے لو گو ں کی تعد ا د زیاد ہ تر اس کا غلط استعما ل کر تی ہے، جب کے عا م طو ر پر انٹر نیٹ کا زیا دہ استعما ل معا شر ے میں منتقی رویو اور غیر سما جی سر گر میو ں کا با عث بن رہا ہے اس کے مز ید بر ے اثرا ت کا مختصر جا ئز اہ مند ر جہ ذیل ہے۔
انٹر نیٹ کا بیجا استعما ل سے ہما ری نو جو ان نسل کا تپکا معاشر تی اور سما جی فطنے کا شکا ر ہو رہا ہے، پہلے لو گ ملا قا ت کیلئے گل مل کر رہتے تھے، اب یہ سر گر میا ں معقف ہو تی جا رہی ہیں، جس سے سما جی تعلقا ت کا فی حد تک متا ثر ہو ئے ہیں، لو گ ہر قسم کی معلو ما ت انٹر نیٹ کے ذریعے حا صل کر نے کی کو شش کر تے ہے، جس کی وجہ سے کتا بو ں کا رجھا ن اب دم تو ڑتا جا رہا ہے، اور تو اور ایک خا ص طبقہ اس کے ذریعے غیراخلا قی، غیر قا نو نی، سر گر میا ں انجا م دیتے ہے دہشت گر دی کے ساتھ ساتھ کر پشن مافیا بھی اس کے ذریعے پر و ا ن چڑ تا جا رہا ہے، جو کہ کرپٹو کر نسی کی مدد سے غیر قا نو نی ہتیا ر، غیر قا نو نی ادو ا ت، ڈرگس، STCجیسے معلق زہر تک آپ بیٹھے بیٹھے رسا ئی حا صل کر سکتے ہیں۔
اب اگر با ت کی جا ئے کر پٹو کر نسی کی تو یہ ایک ایسی کر نسی ہے جو کہ کمپو ٹر کی مدد سے تخلیق کی جا تی ہے، اس میں کر پٹو گرا فی ہو تی ہے، جو کہ اس محفو ظ ہو نے کی ذما نت دیتی ہے اور اس کا نظام کمپو ٹر نیٹور ک کا محتا ج ہے جسے کسی بھی بینک یا ادا رے کی ضرو ر ت کی نہیں ہو تی اس کا نظا م مر کزی ہے، یعنی آسا ن لفظو ں میں سمجھا جا ئے تو اس کا کو ئی مر کز نہیں، اس وجہ سے اس کو رو کا نہیں جا سکتا اور نا کو ئی شخص یا ادا رے حکو مت رو ک سکتی ہے، اور نہ کو ئی ا س پر ٹیکس عا ئد کر سکتا ہے، اور یہ کر نسی  خا لی کمپو ٹر ہی بنا تے ہے، کچھ مشکل حسا بی عمل سے گز رکر مگر ہر تصو یر کے دو پہلو ہو ا کر تے ہے یہ انسا ن کے طر یقے   استعما ل پر منصر ہے، گھر بیٹھے بیٹھے سو ا لی منتخب کر نا جو کہ آپ کو گھر سے لیکر آپ کی منزل تک با حفا ظت پہنچا تی ہے یہ سب بھی انٹرنیٹ کی ہی وجہ سے ممکن ہو سکا ہے، انر نیٹ صر ف یہا ں تک محد ود نہیں بلکہ کو ئی بھی شخص گھر بیٹھے بیٹھے آن لا ئن  شا پنگ، آن لا ئن بلنگ، اس کے سا تھ سا تھ تعلیمی ادا رے میں دا خلہ فا ر م تک آن لا ئن ہو نے کی وجہ سے طلبا ء علم بھی اس سہو لت سے استفا دہ حا صل کر رہے ہیں جو کہ آن لا ئن کلا سس لیکچر کی صو ر ت میں بھی میصر ہے اور تو اور آن لا ئن بینکنگ کے ذریعے اپنی رقم کسی دو سرے بینک میں منتقل کر نے جیسی سہو لت بھی ہی انٹر نیٹ کا ہی دیا ہو ا تحفہ ہے جو کہ  انسا نی زند گی کو آسا ن بنا تا ہے۔
انٹر نیٹ کے فا ئدے صر ف یہی تک مختصر نہیں دو سرا ایک اور انقلا ب اور جدد E Stampکی سہو لت ہے، اس سہو لت کے ذریعے کو ئی بھی شخص گھر بیٹھے اپنی مر ضی اور ما لیت کا اسٹا مپ خر ید کر اس پر اان لا ئن تحر یر اور تصد یق محفو ظ بھی ہوتی ہے بلکہ اس کی نقل بھی حا صل کر سکتے ہے، الغر ض انٹر نیٹ کے ان تما م سہو لت کے اثرا ت نے انسا ن کو اس قدر متا ثر اور مجبو ر کر دیا ہے کہ وہ آج کے دو ر میں اسکے بغیر ایک قدم بھی نہیں چل اور نہ ہی کو ئی کا م کر سکتا ہے۔

Ali Murad Chandio Feature - Sindhi -12

Not in feature style

ڪوٽڙي بئراج
علي مراد چانڊيو، ايم اي پريوس، رول نمبر ٻارنهن
حيدرآباد ۽ ڄامشورو وچ ۾ 44 دروازن تي مشتمل ڪوٽڙي بئراج جي پيڙهه جو پٿر 12 فيبروري 1950ع ۾ پاڪستان جي گورنر جنرل الحاج خواجا نظام الدين رکيو، جڏهن ته بئراج جو افتتاح تڏهوڪي پاڪستان جي گورنر جنرل چوڌري غلام محمد ڪيو. گڏ ڪيل ڄاڻ مطابق 7 عيسوي ۾ عربن سنڌو درياهه تي بند ڏياري واهه وهائڻ شروع ڪيا، ان کانپوءِ انگريزن جو دور شروع ٿيو، 1843ع ۾ انگريزن پاران سنڌ تي قبضي کانپوءِ ڪراچي بندر کي پنجاب ۽ هندستان تائين پهچ حاصل ڪرڻ لاءِ سنڌو درياهه تي ٻنهي طرفن کان بند ٻڌڻ شروع ڪيا ويا، ڪوٽڙي ۽ حيدرآباد پهرين پل ۽ بعد ۾ روهڙي ۽ سکر ٻي تاريخي پل ۽ بئراج تعمير ڪرايو ويو. ان سلسلي ۾ حيدرآباد گندو بندر ۽ ڪوٽڙي وچ ۾ ريلوي پل 1888ع ۽ 1932ع ۾ جوڙائي وئي، اهڙي ريت پاڪستان جي قيام کانپوءِ انگريز سرڪار جي تجويز ڪيل گڊو ۽ ڪوٽڙي بئراج به تعمير ڪري سنڌ جي زمينن کي آباد ڪيو ويو. ڪوٽڙي بئراج کي پرڏيهي ڪمپني 5 سالن جي مختصر عرصي ۾ 935 ملين جي خرچ سان جوڙي تيار ڪيو. ان وقت سنڌ جي وڏي وزير محمد ايوب کهڙي پنهنجي خوشنودي حاصل ڪرڻ لاءِ ڪوٽڙي بئراج جو نالو غلام محمد رکڻ جي تجويز ڏني، ان تجويز کي پاڪستان جي گورنر چوڌري غلام محمد قبول ڪيو ۽ هن پاڻ بئراج جو نالو غلام محمد بئراج رکيو پر پوءِ به هن بئراج کي عام ماڻهو ڪوٽڙي بئراج يا المنظر پل جي نالي سان ڪوٺين ٿا. هن بئراج جي ڊيگهه 9 هزار 284 فوٽ ۽ بئراج جي هر هڪ گيٽ جي ويڪر 60 فوٽ ۽ اوچائي 35 فوٽ آهي، جن ذريعي ڊائون اسٽريم ۾ پاڻي ڇوڙ ٿئي ٿو. هن بئراج مان 4 ڪئنال/واهه نڪتل آهن، جن مان درياهه جي ساڄي پاسي ڪلري بگهاڙ فيڊر ۽ کاٻي پاسي پراڻي ڦليلي، نئين ڦليلي ۽ اڪرم واهه شامل آهن، چار ئي واهه ڄامشورو، ٺٽي، ڪراچي، حيدرآباد، بدين، مٽياري، ٽنڊوالهيار ۽ ٽنڊو محمد خان ضلعن جي ننڍن وڏن شهرن، ڳوٺن ۽ آبادين کي پيئڻ ۽ 40 لک ايڪڙ کان وڌيڪ زرعي زمين جي آبادي لاءِ پاڻي ڏين ٿا.
ڪوٽڙي بئراج جي 55 سالن جي عرصي ۾ انگلينڊ جي هڪ تعميراتي ڪمپني نومبر 1989ع کان جون 2000ع تائين پهرين تعميراتي ڪم واري رقم ۾ 935 ملين کانسواءِ هڪ ارب 63 ڪروڙ 73 لک رپين جي لاڳت سان هن بئراج جي 44 ئي دروازن جا طاق تبديل ڪيا ويا ۽ روڊ کي نئين سر تعمير ڪيو، جنهن لاءِ هيوي قسم جي مشينري استعمال ۾ آندي وئي.
آبپاشي کاتي جي سپرنٽينڊنٽ انجنيئر ساجد علي ڀٽو  مطابق 44 دروازن واري هن ڪوٽڙي بئراج مان هڪ ئي وقت 8 لک 75 هزار ڪيوسڪ پاڻي جي گذر جي گنجائش موجود آهي، هر هڪ دروازي مان پاڻي جي نيڪال جي گنجائش 19 هزار 888 ڪيوسڪ آهي پر 1965ع ۾ آيل وڏي يعني مهاٻوڏ دوران گنجائش کانسواءِ سوا لک ڪيوسڪ وڌيڪ پاڻي يعني 9 لک 81 هزار ڪيوسڪ پاڻي جو گذر ڪرايو ويو، جنهن دوران هر هڪ دروازي مان 22 هزار 300 ڪيوسڪ پاڻي گذاريو ويو، ان کانپوءِ 1973ع،1976ع ۽ 1990ع جي وڏين ٻوڏن دوران هن بئراج مان 7 کان 8 لک ڪيوسڪ پاڻي ڪراس ڪيو ويو. سال 1996ع ۾ آيل وڏي ٻوڏ ۾ 8 لک 24 هزار ڪيوسڪ پاڻي جو گذر ٿيو، جڏهن ته سال 2010ع دوران 27 آگسٽ 2010ع تي آبپاشي کاتي جي رڪارڊ ڪيل انگن اکرن موجب ڪوٽڙي بئراج مان 9 لک 64 هزار 874 ڪيوسڪ پاڻي جو گذر ٿي چڪو آهي.
آبپاشي کاتي جي سپرنٽينڊنٽ انجنيئر ساجد علي ڀٽو  مطابق ڪوٽڙي بئراج وٽان 2 لک ڪيوسڪ کان وڌيڪ پاڻي جي وهڪري کي معمولي ٻوڏ، 2 لک کان 3 لک 50 هزار ڪيوسڪ تائين پاڻي جي وهڪري کي هيٺئين درجي جي ٻوڏ، ساڍا 3 لک ڪيوسڪ کان 5 لک ڪيوسڪ پاڻي جي وهڪري کي وچولي درجي جي ٻوڏ، 5 لک کان 7 لک ڪيوسڪ تائين پاڻي جي وهڪري کي مٿئين درجي جي ٻوڏ، 7 لک کان 9 لک ڪيوسڪ پاڻي جي وهڪري کي تمام وڏي ٻوڏ ۽ 9 لک ڪيوسڪ کان وڌيڪ پاڻي جي وهڪري کي سپر فلڊ يعني وڏي مان وڏي مهاٻوڏ چيو ويندو آهي.
گڏ ڪيل ڄاڻ مطابق هن تاريخي ڪوٽڙي بئراج جو ڏيهه توڙي پرڏيهه جون اهم شخصيتون دورا ڪري چڪيون آهن، جن ۾ عراق جو شهنشاهه شاهه فيصل، عراق جو تڏهوڪو وزيراعظم عدنان ميندرس، اردن جو تڏهوڪو وزيراعظم نوري سعيد، ترڪي جو تڏهوڪو صدر جلال بابر، پاڪستان جو پهريون چونڊيل وزيراعظم شهيد ذوالفقار علي ڀٽو، پاڪستان جو تڏهوڪو گورنر چوڌري غلام محمد، ممتاز ڀٽو، اڳوڻو چيف آف آرمي اسٽاف جنرل پرويز ڪياني، اڳوڻي قومي اسيمبلي جي اسپيڪر ڊاڪٽر فهميده مرزا، اڳوڻو صدر آصف علي زرداري، هاڻوڪو سنڌ جو وڏو وزير سيد مراد علي شاهه، اڳوڻو وڏو وزير سيد قائم علي شاهه، نثار کهڙو، ڄام خان شورو،  ڄامشورو ضلعي مان چونڊيل نمائندن ملڪ اسد سڪندر، گيانچند ايسراڻي، موهن لال ڪوهستاني، لال چند اڪراڻي، ڊاڪٽر سڪندر راهپوٽو، ڊاڪٽر سڪندر شورو ۽ ٻيا شامل آهن.
ڪوٽڙي بئراج وٽ 2 هوٽلون قائم ٿيل آهن، جتي تفريح لاءِ ايندڙ ماڻهو کاڌي سميت ٿڌيون شيون وٺي استعمال ڪندا آهن، ڄامشورو کان حيدرآباد طرف ويندي کاٻي هٿ تي قائم هوٽل تي مڇي پچائي وڪرو ڪئي ويندي آهي. هتي قائم المنظر هوٽل ضلعي انتظاميا ۽ الحمرا هوٽل آبپاشي کاتي جي ملڪيت آهي، جيڪي هوٽلون هلائيندڙن کي مقاطعي تي ڏني ويندي آهي. انتظاميا پاران سار سنڀال نه هجڻ ڪري هن ماڳ تي تفريح لاءِ ايندڙ ماڻهن لاءِ ڪي به سهولتون ميسر ناهن، برساتي ڏهاڙن توڙي عام موڪل وارن ڏينهن ۾ هتي مختلف علائقن کان ماڻهن جو وڏو انگ تفريح لاءِ اچي ٿو، ڄامشورو_حيدرآباد روڊ تي انهن ڏهاڙن ۾ اڪثر ڪري ٽريفڪ جام ٿيو وڃي. ڪوٽڙي بئراج پلي جي ڪري پڻ مشهور آهي، هتي ڏيهه توڙي پرڏيهه جا ماڻهو تفريح لاءِ ايندا آهن ته انهن کي ميزبانن پاران پلو کارايو ويندو آهي. مختلف اخبارن ۾ ڇپيل اسٽورين مطابق ڪجهه سالن کان سنڌو درياهه جي ڪوٽڙي ڊائون اسٽريم ۾ گهربل پاڻي نه ڇڏڻ ڪري پلي جو نسل تباهه ٿي ويو آهي، هاڻوڪي وقت ۾ به ڪوٽڙي بئراج جي ڊائون اسٽريم ۾ پاڻي جو وهڪرو بند آهي، جڏهن ته هوٽلن تي وڪرو ٿيندڙ پلو ٺٽي، بدين ۽ سنڌ جي ٻين ضلعن جي هٿرادو ڍنڍن مان آندو ويندو آهي.
ماضي ۾ تارو تار وهندڙ سنڌو درياهه جو ڪوٽڙي بئراج وٽ ڊائون اسٽريم ۾ وهڪرو مسلسل بند آهي، جنهنڪري ڪيترائي ايڪڙ زرعي زمين جي پوکائي متاثر ٿي رهي آهي، جڏهن ته حيدرآباد، ڄامشورو ۽ ڪوٽڙي جي مختلف علائقن ۾ پاڻي جي کوٽ جون خبرون پڻ اخبارن جون زينت بڻيل رهن ٿيون. ان کانسواءِ ڪوٽڙي بئراج جي ڊائون اسٽريم وٽ پاڻي نه ڇڏڻ ڪري درياهه جي پيٽ ۾ پيل واري پڻ ٽريڪٽرن، ٽرڪن ۽ ٽرالرن ذريعي ڪڍي پئي وڃي، جنهنڪري سنڌو درياهه ۾ پاڻي جا لنگهه توڙي درياهه جو فطري حسن متاثر ٿي رهيو آهي.