Friday, July 31, 2020
Sarfaraz Noor Justice Journalism Translation
Isra Soomro -MMC 23 Video Review
ur Name roll No, class and main topic of assignment
[[Vedio review
-Isra Soomro-MMC23]]
What is translation?
According to the youtube channel by “SohailSangi” translation mean is to convert text from one language to another language. The language you are given text in called source language and the language text is converted is known as target language.
The 1
There are 4 types of translation word to word translation, axis translation, abstract translation and free translation. Axis translation is considered best eay of translation.
In translation is is must to use to Appropriate meaning of each and every word. Every word has many meaning but you have to select appropriate meaning for the translation in trageted language.
French writer DonaltEightensays , you should take care of 5 things for translation.
It is not necessary that each and every word should be available in your targeted language you can borrow it from another language. For example your target language is Urdu you can borrow word from Sindhi
How To Write Headline?Basics
According to the youtube channel “SohailSangi”the headline is noted at the top of the any writing piece to capture the attention of the reader, it is most possible to be of one line. The headline is basically used to describe the writing piece.
In the world of newspaperheadline is given by “Subeditor”.
The function of the headline is to show the essence of total writing piece/news, attract the reader, words and the way of writing shows the importance of the new and it also helps in the layout of the News.
According to the video on YouTube by “SohailSangi” structure if the headline is divided into two types 1
=›Primary part mean that part which attracts the audience, noted in big Font size in Newpaper and gives basic and important information.
=›Function of secondary part is to give addition information to the reader that they think “there is no more need to read the news
There are a few kinds of headline such as the steamer and anchor super lead. steamer is commonly known as banner headline it cover all the columns of the newspaper or main lead.And currently cover all the columns or even 5 columns but it’s located at the bottom of the newspaper. super leave this place in three column Is also considered as important placed on the top of lead. Normally it is read it firstly by ordinance. it is also first printed on newspaper.
A hammer consists of one o more lines of primary over one or more lines of secondory . A kicker consists of one or more then one line of primary over one line of secondary.
A tripod consists of two or more lines of secondary started beside the primary . this is more graphically challenging design.
Practical work carried under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi
Department of Media and Communication studies University of Sindh, Jamshoro
Saira Chandio MMC- Headline videos review
Practical work carried under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi
Department of Media and Communication studies University of Sindh, Jamshoro
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Sarmad Hussain Mangi MMC 52 Video Review
2k20/MMC/52 M.A Previous
Sub Editor: Responsibilities and skills:
Editing is the most
important part of journalism and it is done by Sub-Editor.
Sub-Editor plays a
vital role in print media. He purifes and beautifies the content and make it
better before publishing. He is known as the central figure in newspaper.
He is the first
reader and last person to check content.
Sub-Editor is
considered as the last defence line.
The job of
Sub-Editor is to check, rewrite, edit and condense as it is necessary.
A large number of
sub editors work in a standard newspaper. Every sub editor has a specific area
( i.e: Karachi, Hyderabad, Larkana) or field (i.e: History, Science, Politics).
Sub-Editors work
under the supervision of Chief-Sub.
Chief-Sub assign
work to editors according to their particular field or area.
Sub-Editor's work
is to correct mistakes, and mistakes can be of spelling, grammar, format,
tense, sentence.
Most important work
of Sub-Editor is to beautify news by making intro, body and conclusion.
Now a days 60% work is of translation of material
from others language so here this work also increases the burden of work and
done by sub-editor.
Translation is the
first step for sub-editor when he applies for job, they check is he or she has
an ability to translate material from other languages.
He must know the
proverbs, idioms of his language and must have general knowledge and updated
about the current issues and must have a skill to express his views.
The most important
thing is the skill of communication, like how does he communicate. If he does
not have a good communication skill it means he can not do his job of
sub-editor perfectly.
He also makes
attractive headlines from news story and headline attracts readers to read the
story or news.
To sum up he is the
important part of media.
Editing is a stage
of the writing process in which a writer or editor tries to improve a draft by
correcting errors and making words and sentences clearer, more precise, and as
effective as possible. The process of editing involves adding, deleting, and rearranging
words to cut the clutter and streamline overall structure and editing can be of
text, video etc.
It is done by
sub-editor or copy editor.
Editing is a
process of ensuring the text correct in terms of spelling, grammar,
punctuation, terminology and formatting.
If there was not
the process of editing so these things would not be as much as in sequence and
beautifully presented.
Whenever a content
is in the process of publication so there is another process that is editing
that beautifies the text and make it perfect to present.
Four things are
necessary in the process of communication:
1. Material either
is of article,news, or feature, its language should be correct , spelling wise
grammar wise.
2. Format like what
should be in an intro, body and conclusion according to its nature , like if it
is article or feature so intro, body and conclusion should be according to it.
3. How much facts
and figures are present in material.
4. Material should
be according to the policy of institute.
Every institute has
different style of editing but collectively in media there is AP style
(Associate Press Style) that is affiliated with American News Agency is used
but in books Chicago manual style is used.
Publishers follow
these styles and to keep these styles is also a part of process of editing.
During editing
clearity of an idea must be present and it should not be changed.
It was the process
of editing which is very much necessary.
Practical work carried under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi
Department of Media and Communication studies University of Sindh, Jamshoro
Aftab Gul MMC07 ١ـ انٽرنشپ ڪئين ڳولجي؟
See how first para appears?
Not readable
Aftab Gul
Roll no: mmc/2k20/07 (MA previous)
Assign:Video Lectures Review
١ـ انٽرنشپ ڪئين ڳولجي؟
جيحواليسانتمامزبردستوڊيوآهيڪافيشيونجيڪيسمجهه ۾ نهپئيآيوناھيبهسمجهه
۾ اچيويوسائينکانسوالبهپڇيوھيمتهسائينچيووڊيوڏسانپوءپڇاجان ۽ الحمداللهوڊيوڏسڻکانپوءتقريباًسڀشيونسمجههاچيويونآھن.
وڊيو ۾ تقريباًسڀڳالهيونبھترينٻڌايونسائينانهن ۾ سڀکانجيڪامونکياھملڳيتهتوهانکيپنهنجيصلاحيتسڄاڻڻلازميآهي
۽ پنهنجوفوڪسبهھڪڙيفيلڊ ۾ ھجيجئينسائينچيوپرنٽميڊيااليڪٽرونڪميڊيا ۽ ورياليڪٽرونڪميڊيا
۾ ٻيونبهڪافيفيلڊآھنجرنليزمفلمميڪينگفوٽوگرافيولوگسبلوگس ۽ ٻيونبهڪافيفيلڊسآھنتهانهنمانھڪڙيپسندڪرڻلازميآهيجئينپوروفوڪسانتيھجي.
ھن وڍيو ۾ اھيا به خبر پئي ته انٽرنشپ ڇو ضروري آهي انجا
ڪھڙا فائدا آھن ۽ ڪھڙو شھر يا ڪھڙي ڪمپني انٽرنشپ لاء سھي رھنديسنڌ جي ننڍن شھرن ۾
انٽرنشپ ڪرڻ لاء ڪوخاص مقعو ناھي سواء
ڪراچي ۽ حيدرآباد ۾ ڪو ھڪ اڌ.انٽرنشپ جو خاص فائدو ڊگري حاصل ڪرڻ کانپوء ڪٿي
اپلائي ڪرڻ ۾ گهڻو فائدي مند ثابت ٿيئي ٿو انٽرنشپ جيڪڏھن ڊگري دوران ڪجي ته ڪافي فائدو ٿيندو ھڪ
ته پڙهڻ سان پريڪٽيڪل ٿيندو ۽ ٻيو وقت جو به فائدو ٿيندو ڇو ته ڊگري حاصل ڪرڻ
کانپوء انٽرنشپ جي ضرورت نه پوندي. انٽرنشپ ڪرڻ وارن لاء ھي وڍيو فائدي مند رھندي ٻين لاء
جيڪڏهن نه به ھجي ليڪن منهنجي لاء فائدي مند رھي. ۽ ھن وڍيو ۾ جيڪا خاص ڳالهه جي
اسانکي خبر نه ھئي ۽ اسان کي خبر پئي اھا اھيا ته ڪرئير ڪائونسلنگ جي لاء به
يونيورسٽي ۾ اسٽگ جي نالي سان ھڪ پليٽ فارم موجود آهي جنهن جي ذريعي به اسان اسان
کي انٽرنشپ جو مقعو ملي سگهي ٿو.
ايڊوٽوريل ڇا آهي؟
ھي وڊيو ميڊيا اينڊ ڪميونيڪيشن جي شاگردن لاء انتھائي
مفيد آهي ۽ انهن صحافين جي لاء به جيڪي
صرف خبر لکڻ تائين محدود آهن ۽ اخبار جي جوڙ جڪ ۽ پاليسين جو پري پري تائين ڪو به
واسطو نه آهي ـ ھن وڊيو ۾ ايڊوٽوريل پيج کي انتھائي آسان لفظن ۾ بيان ڪيو ويو آھي
۽ تمام سٺي نموني سمجھايو ويو آهي ايڊوٽوريلڇا آهي؟ ان جي لکڻ جو طريقو ڇا آهي؟ گھڻن
قسمن طريقين جا ايڊوٽوريل لکي سگهجن ٿا؟ ايڊوٽوريل ۾ ڪھڙين شيون شامل ھجن يا
ڪھڙيون شيون شامل نه ھجن؟ ايڊوٽوريل ۾ پنهنجي خيال جو اظھار ڪھڙي نموني ڪري سھگجي
ٿو؟پنهنجي خيال جو اظهار ڪرڻ وقت ڪھڙين ڳالهين کي مد نظر گھرجي؟
ھن وڊيو ۾ ڪافي ڳالهيون سکڻ لاء مليون پنهنجو اظهار خيال
جيڪو اداري جي طرفان ڪجي اھو ڪنهن اشوته ھوندو آھي ھر اخبار ۾ ايڊوٽوريل پيج موجود
ھوندو آهي جنهن ۾ اداري طرفان ايڊيٽر پنهنجي خيالن جو اظهارڪندوآهي. ھي وڊيو جيڪا
ايڊوٽوريل جي حوالي سان آهي ان ۾ايڊيٽر کي به سمجهي سگهجي ٿو اھي ڪئين ڪم ڪندا
مطلب ته گهڻو نه پر ڪجهه آئيڊيا ايڊيٽر جي باري ۾ ملي ويندو ھن وڊيو ھڪ پلس پوئنٽ
به ڏسڻ وٺان ملي ته سٺن اخبارن جا ايڊوٽوريل پيج به ڏيکاريل آهن انهن کي ڏسي آساني
سان ڪنهن به اخبار جي اندر ڇپيل ايڊوٽوريل پيج کي سڃاڻي سگهجي ٿو ـ وڊيو ڏسندي
ھڪڙي ڳالهه منهنجي ذھن ۾ آئي ته ھي اڄ واري اسائينمينٽ به ڄڻ ايڊوٽوريل آھي جنهن ۾
اسان پنهنجي خيالن جو اظهار ڪري رھيا آھيون.
ھي اسائينمينٽ
انتھائي فائدي مند رهي وڊيو به
ڏسجي ويو انهن مان ڪجهه حاصل به ٿيو ۽ ڪجهه سميسٽر جي حساب سان تياري به ٿي وئي.
منهنجي نظر ۾ يوٽيوب تيچينل ٺاهيٽاپڪ جي وڊيوز اپولڊ ڪرڻ ڪافي فائدي مند رهيوآهي
خاص ڪري انهن جي لاء آن لائين ڪلاسون وٺي نه سگھياـ
Practical work carried under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi
Department of Media and Communication studies University of Sindh, Jamshoro
#AftabGul, #MassComm,
Waqar Ali Soomro -Difference between newspaper and magazines
Waqar Ali Soomro
Class : MA Previous
Roll Number : 2k20/MMC/59
Total words in written : 618
Assignment : reviews of two lectures video from YouTube channel
Sohail Sangi .
between newspaper and magazines lecuter of Sohail Sangi
After watching the lecture video from sir Sohail Sangi’s
youtube channel here are my reviews which I learned with many opinions is about
difference between Newspaper and magazinesNewspaper and magazines both are very
useful but newspapers are published more often daily but sometimes weekly and
are printed on cheaper paper known as newsprint and magazines come out less
often usually weekly or monthly and are printed on higher quality glossy paper
. Magazine is usually full color nowadays on glossy paper . A magazine will
have usually stories written in a informal way than newspaper. Newspapers are supposed
to keep a record so the time is timer . Magazine will usually have more and
better photos more use of color and more experimentation in design vs newspaper
magazine ads are usually about branding while newspaper ads are more about call
to action. Magazines mostly feature articles commentaries , some literature and
can also contain general interested subjects . specialized magazine may deal
with gardening, entertainment education, medicine etc however newspaper contains
mostly news items features , stories and commentaries one the shelf life of the
newspaper is only a day but it’ almost a month for magazines. Newspaper is for
those who have a busier life and wants to stay updated but magazine readers may
be the ones who have a rather related life . Journalists working for a
newspaper work faster since it is a regular publication. Magazines journalists
have a whole month or a gap in betweento think research and write and magazine
holds higher interest level among the audience however it’s content is in
informal way but the newspaper always highlights formal notes news.
about scope of translation lecture by sir Sohail Sangi
The scope of Translation is much neend for the higher and
foreign authorities and for social organization translation has become an
important activity that responds to individual, social, business and national
needs. through it the communication could be strong between two different
language spokes persons. It helps to understand what the party wants to say ,
Translation enables effective communication between people around the world. It
is a courier for the transmission of knowledge, a protector of cultural heritage,
and essential to the development of a global economy. Highly skilled
translators are key. Translation Studies helps practitioners develop those
skills. Translation is the communication of the meaning of a text in a source
language into a comprehensive version of
target language (TL) without causing any loss to the original message. While
translating images/metaphors and emotive expressions in literary texts,
computers cannot replace human beings.Translation studies can be safely
included as an important genre in the field of literary criticism because
translation is an art that stimulates the diversity of linguistic, cultural and
literary content of a source language and thus highlights, reflects and
appreciates the essence and kindness of literature of that particular
translated language. The relevance of translation as a multi dimensional and
multifaceted activity and its importance internationally as a sociocultural
bridge between countries has increased over the years. Presently, the situation
is changing rapidly in the world, not only must countries and societies
interact closely, but also individuals must also come into contact with members
of communities and societies scattered in different parts of the country and of
the world. To meet these needs, translation has become an important activity
that responds to individual, social, business and national needs.
Practical work carried under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi
Department of Media and Communication studies University of Sindh, Jamshoro
Mehak Umrani What and who control media
Batch 2k20/MMC/32
( Video Review Assignment)
Any organisation that controls mainstream media has incredible power over what people do and how they perceive and think about the world they live in.
The definition of media as defined in the Business Dictionary:
Communication channels through which news, entertainment, education, data, or promotional messages are disseminated. Media includes every broadcasting and narrowcasting medium such as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, billboards, direct mail, telephone, fax, and internet. Media is the plural of medium and can take a plural or singular verb, depending on the sense intended.
surrounded by various forms of media just about wherever we go. From watching TV to travelling in our car, we will encounter some kind of message that someone wants us to take notice of.
If you were to think of the media you encounter during your average day, this could encompass TV, radio, internet, email, advertising posters/signs, and even messages in the workplace. A constant bombardment of messages, both conscious and subliminal, enters our brains in an average day.
We may think that we choose to ignore much of the information that enters our conscious mind, but every time we see or hear some form of media our brains register it. So, if we are exposed to something often enough, our subconscious will recognise the message
The message(s) from those who produce the media could be anything from a ‘public service’ announcement giving us some kind of advice (which may or may not be useful to us) through to telling how great some product is and that we should go and buy it.
I sometimes deliberate over titles for 30–60 minutes before settling on one that works. And I often go back and change them. This is what it takes to write a good headline.
Use numbers to give concrete takeaways
Use emotional objectives to describe your reader’s problem
Use unique rationale to demonstrate what the reader will get out of the article
Use what, why, how, or when
Make an audacious promise
1. Use numbers to give concrete takeaways
There’s a reason why so many copywriters use numbers in their headlines. It works.
Do an experiment: Go to the grocery store, and scan the magazines in the checkout lane. Look at the front-page article headlines. It doesn’t matter if it’s a fitness magazine or a tabloid; many of them will be using numerals to start off the headline.
There aren’t really any rules (as far as I know) regarding what numbers work best, but people typically only remember three to five points. That said, sometimes a really obscure number like 19 or 37 can catch people’s attention.
Warning: don’t overuse numbers or use them arbitrarily. If your article clearly has some key takeaways, adding a number to the headline can help make the takeaways more digestible. But if the article doesn’t, don’t force it.
2. Use emotional adjectives to describe your reader’s problem
Here are some examples:
4. Use what, why, how, or when
These are trigger words. I typically use “why” and “how” the most, because I’m often trying to persuade or enable someone. Typically, you’ll use either a trigger word or a number. Rarely does it sound good to do both.
Practical work carried under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi
Department of Media and Communication studies University of Sindh, Jamshoro
#MehakUmrani, #SohailSangi,
Qirat khan انٹرنشپ کیوں ضروری ہے
قراُت خان
نمبر: 42
ایم اے
کیوں ضروری ہے
تجربہ حاصل کرنے کے لیے ضروری ہے انٹرنشپ آپ کو یہ بتا تی ہے کہ آپ نے زندگی میں
کرنا کیا ہے انٹرنشپ وہ تربیتی پروگرام ہیں جو ملازمت کاروبار کی شروعات کرنے سے
قبل کالج یا یونیورسٹی کی طلباء کی تربیت کے لیے ہوتا ہے انٹرنشپ ملازمت یا
کاروبار کا وہ تجرباتی پہلو ہے جس سے گزرے ہوئے کوئی نوجوان عملی زندگی میں کامیاب
نہیں ہوسکتا کیوں کہ عملی زندگی میں کسی بھی شعبے میں کام کو بہتر انداز میں کرنے
کے لیے تجربہ ضروری ہوتا ہے
اگر آپ
کسی بھی ادارے میں جاب کے لیے اپلائی کریں تو سب سے پہلے سوال تجربے کا ہی کیا
جاتا ہے چاہے وہ تجربہ چند ماہ کا ہی کیوں نہ ہو اس چند ماہ کے تجربے سے کسی بھی
جاب مارکیٹ کو سمجھنے کے لیے تین ماہ سے ایک سال کا عرصہ درکار ہوتا ہے جسے
انٹرنشپ کا نام دیا جاتا ہے
جب بھی
شاگرد جاب کےلیے جاتے ہیں تو ایمپلائےجو ہے وہ تین سے چار چیزوں کو نظر میں رکھتا ہے
آپ نے جو
انٹرنشپ کی ہے وہ کیا ہے اور کس ادارے میں کی ہ
آپ نے
کوئی رضاکارانہ کام کیا ہے یا نہیں
میں آپ کا انٹر ایکشن کیا ہے
آپ کوجاب
کا پہلے سے تجربہ ہے یا نہیں
· صلاحیتوں
کا عملی اظہار
انٹرنشپ گریجویشن کے دوران حاصل کی جانے والی تعلیم
معلومات اور صلاحیتوں کے عملی اظہار کا ایک بہترین موقع فراہم کرتی ہے اگرچہ علم
کی اہمیت اپنی جگہ قائم ہے لیکن اس میں اضافہ تب ہی ممکن ہے جب اس علم کو عملی طور
پر ثابت بھی کیا جائے انٹرنشپ پروگرام کے ذریعے طلباء و طالبات کو اپنے کیریئر کی سیڑھی
پر پہلا قدم رکھنے مختلف اداروں میں کام کے طریقے کار کو سمجھنے اور اپنی قائدانہ
صلاحیتوں کو نکھارنے میں مدد دیتی ہے
قرات خان
رول نمبر :42
ایم اے پریویز
اور میگزین میں فرق
ان دونوں کا جو مین کام ہے وہ یہ ہے کہ انفارمیشن
دینا لیکن انداز دونوں کے الگ الگ ہے اخبارات
میں آرٹیکل ہوتے ہیں کرنٹ ایشو ہوتے ہیںجب
کہ میگزین میں لمبے لمبے آرٹیکل ہوتے ہیں
جس طرح نیوز پیپر آن لائن پڑھ سکتے ہیں اسی طرح
میگزین بھی آن لائن پڑھ سکتے ہیں ہر ہاتھ میں موبائل ہونے کی وجہ سے لوگ میگزینز خرید کر
پڑھنے کے بجائے آن لائن پڑھنا پسند کرتے ہیں میگزینز بہت طرح کے ہوتے ہیں کھیل، بیوٹی ، سوال جواب، شہر کی ہل چل ، میوزک ، مستی ، تعلیم ، شاعری ، ریلیشن
مہینے میں بھی شائع ہوتی ہے اور ہفتے میں بھی شائع ہوتی ہے اور ان کا انداز
انفارمل ہوتا ہے بڑی بڑی تصویریں ہوتی ہیں اس میں اورذاتی خیالات زیادہ ہوتے ہیں
اخبار : اخبار کی
قیمت کم ہوتی ہے تاکہ ہر کوئ اسانی سے پڑھ سکے
میگزین: اسکی
قیمت زیادہ ہوتی ہے بہ نسبت اخبار کے
اخبار: اس میں خبریں
ہوتی ہیں روزمرہ کی مختلف جو واقعات ہو
رہے ہوتے ہیں
میگزین: اس میں مخصوص
مواد ہوتا ہے
اخبار میں
تصویریں کم ہوتی ہیں
میں تصویریں زیادہ ہوتی ہیں
اور اخبار دونوں کی ترتیب یعنی ( لے آؤٹ ) ایک دوسرے سے مختلف ہوتی ہیں
میں انٹرٹینمنٹ کم ہوتی ہے جب کہ میگزین میں انٹرٹینمنٹ زیادہ ہوتی ہے
رائٹنگ اسٹائل
اس میں تخلیقی
ایجادی، جدت ، مہارت، قابلیت ، مددگار
زیادہ ثابت ہوتی ہے آپ میگزین میں کوئ ایسا پیس لکھ سکتے ہیں جو یادگار رہےاس میں
زبان بہت انپورٹنٹ ہے کہ وہ حرف بہ حرف ہو کے لوگوں جے سمجھ آئے
Practical work carried under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi
Department of Media and Communication studies University of Sindh, Jamshoro
Mashooq Brohi سب ايڊيٽر video Review
Mashooq Brohi MMC 2k19-6 video Review
معشوق علي
رول نمبر:- 2k19/mmc/6
ڪلاس:- ايم اي (پريويس) ٽرم بيڪ
اسائيمنٽ:- وڊيو ليڪچر رويو
ويڊيو نمبر 2
سب ايڊيٽر ريسپانسبلٽيز اينڊ اسڪلز
ھن ويڊيو مان اسان سکيوسين ته سب ايڊيٽر جو ذميداريون ڪھڙيون آھن،ھڪ سب ايڊيٽر ۾ خاصيتون ڪھڙيون ڪھڙيون ھجڻ کپن ۽
اخباري دنيا ۾ سب ايڊيٽر جي اھميت يا ڪردار ڪيترو ھوندو آھي ۽ ايڊيٽنگ جو عمل ڪيئن
ٿيندو آھي.
سب ايڊيٽر جو رول:-اخبار۾ ڪو به مواد ڪو بهخبر ڇپجڻ لاءِ ايندو آهي ته پھريان اھوسب
ايڊيٽر وٽ رسندو آهي ۽ پوءِ سب ايڊيٽر جو ڪم ھوندو آ ان جون غلطيون صحيح ڪرڻ ان کي
سنوارڻ ۽ سينگارڻ.۽ دلچسپ ڳالهه اھا آھي
ته ڇپجڻ لاءِ ايندڙ ڪنهن خبر کي سڀ کان پھريان پڙھندڙ ۽ ان جو غلطيون ٺيڪ ڪندڙ
آخري شخص سب ايڊيٽر ھوندو آھي.
سب ايڊيٽر جون ذميواريون:- سب ايڊيٽر جي ذميواري نه صرف اخباري ڪاپي کي سنوارڻ آ پر ان جون
سرخيون ڪڍڻ، گرامر ٺيڪ ڪرڻ، ڪھڙيتصويرسان لاڳاپيل ڪھڙو ڦوٽو اچي، ڪھڙو گراف اچي يا
گھڻا ڪالم ھجن ۽ لي آئوٽ جي سڄي ذميواري پڻ سب ايڊيٽر جي ھوندي آھي ان کان علاوه
سب ايڊيٽر جي ذميواري مترجم جي پڻ ھوندي آھي.
سب ايڊيٽر جون خاصيتون:-جنرل ناليج يعني آپ ڊيٽ رھڻ ۽ ان کي سٺي طريقي سان ايڪسپريس ڪرڻ،
ڪمنيوڪيشن جي سٺي صلاحيت ھجڻ، زبان ۾ ڪمانڊ ھجڻ ۽ سب ايڊيٽر ٿيڻ لاءِ مترجم ۽
مضبوط تحقيقي مھارت ھجڻ گھرجي.
ايڊيٽنگ جو عمل:-مختلف ذريعن مان ملندڙ خبرون جيئن رپورٽرز، پريس رليز،مانيٽرنگ ڊيسڪ
يا خبر رسان اداري مان ملندڙ خبرون پھريان نيوز ايڊيٽر وٽ پھچنديون آھن۽ پوءِ نيوز
ايڊيٽر انھن خبرون کي ڏسندو آھي ء مارڪ ڪندو آهي ته ھي خبر ڪھڙي ڊسپلي يا اھميت
سان وڃڻ کپي يا ھن مواد ۾ وڌيڪڪم جي ضرورت آهي ان کانپوءِ نيوز ايڊيٽر اھو رپورٽ
يا خبر چيف سب ڏي موڪليندو آهي (جيڪو سڀني
سب ايڊيٽرن جو سپروائيزر ھوندو آھي) ۽ چيف سب اھو ميٽيرل ايڊيٽنگ لاءِ متعلقه سب ايڊيٽر ڏي موڪليندو آهي مطلب ته
ايڊيٽنگ جو مکيه ڪم سب ايڊيٽر جو ھوندو آھي.
وڊيو نمبر 8
گڊ اسٽينڊرس آف جرنلزم Good standards of
ھن ويڊيو ۾ اسان سٺي صحافت جي ڪوڊ آف ايٿڪس
جي باري ۾ سکيو ۽ جنھن مان اسان کي خبر پئي ته جنرلزم جا مکيه چار ڪور ايليمنٽس
پھريون: سچ کي ڳوليو ۽ بيان ڪريو. Seek truth and report
ٻيو: ٻين جو گھٽ کان گھٽ نقصان. Minimize harm
ٽيو: آزادانه طور تي ڪم ڪيو.Act
چوٿون: شفاف رھو، ماڻھن جي اڳيان جوابده
رھو. Be
accountable and transpirt
سچ کي تلاش ڪريو:- جيئن ميڊيا پوري معاشري جو عڪس آھي ته ان لاءِ ڪوشش ڪيو ته سچ کي ڳوليو ۽ ان کي بيان ڪيو، سياق و
سباق کي واضع طور لکو، سورس کي لکو، سورس جي نيت کي سمجهو ۽ خفيہ طريقي سان ڪم نه
ڪيو ۽ اھو به ڪوشش ڪيو ته صاحب اقتدار ماڻهن کي انھن جي ذميواري جو احساس ڏياريو
ڇو ته صحافي بي آواز ماڻهن جو آواز ھوندو آھي.
ٻين کي گھٽ کان گھٽ نقصان ڏيڻ:- ان ڳالھ جو خيال رکو ته اوھان جو ڏنل خبر ڪنھن جي خلاف ھوندو ته
ڪنھجي حمايت م ھوندو مطلب ته ان جا ڪنھن تي ناڪاري اثر ھوندا ته ڪنھن تي ناڪاري ان
لاءِ ڪوشش ڪيو ته گھٽ کان گھٽ ٻين جو نقصان ٿئي. مجرم ۽ ملزم ۾ فرق رکو ۽
انفارميشن اپ ڊيٽ ھجڻ کپي
آزادانه طور تي ڪم ڪيو:- صحافت جي پرائمري ذميداري آھي ته ھو ڪنھجي چوڻ تي ڪم نه ڪري بلڪه آزاديءَ سان ڪم ڪري٫ ڪنھنجو فيور يا
ڪنھن بہ لالچ ۾ نه اچي، ڪنھن گروپ يا ڪنھن جھڳڙي جو حصو نه ٿئي.ڪنھن سياسي
اثر۾ اچڻ، گفٽ، فيس ملڻ اھڙين شين سان
ديانتداري ء غيرجانبداري ساک کي ڇيهو رسندو آهي.
ماڻهن جي اڳيان جوابده رھو ۽ شفاف رھو:- يعني جيڪو خبر ڪنھن اخباري يا ڪنھن اداري ۾ ڏيو ٿا ان جي امڪاني ذميواري توھان تي آھي.
Department of Media and Communication studies University of Sindh, Jamshoro