Showing posts with label Bilal Bughio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bilal Bughio. Show all posts

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Bilal Mustafa Bughio - Scope of Translation

Bilal Mustafa Bughio

Batch: MMC/2K20 Roll No

Assignment: Two Video Lectures Review 

video lecture by Sir Sohail Sangi

1: Review on Scope of Translation 

Basically, It is a process through which we can make huge difference from one foreign language to many other regional languages. It is also said to be an effective process of transferring the knowledge with the prestigious way of setting a great example and making it worth understanding. Translation can also make entrepreneurs and translators to make the language so much attractive and easy to understand. Further, it had been given importance in previous era too where the kingdom had treated entrepreneurs and translators as like their ministers who made translation for emperors in their own language so that it can have a unique impact in understanding the talks of the businessmans, ambassadors or visitors who had come from other countries for the cause of business. Moreover, it also conveys information with the kind support of linguistic, culture, literature, knowledge, wit and wisdom of the people who are unable to get desired consistency in the form of native language. Apart from seeing the translation's profound scope in other fields it can benefit multinational companies and publishers too. It has acquired a great impact in the field of media where approximately 60 percent material has been translated into local languages.

 Translation helps us to understand the progress in different directions or in the fields of business, literature, foreign policies, education, science, arts, social science, certain technologies and politics. It is also considered as an effective process of getting people to know their lives desirably and it is a sociocultural bridge in communication with certain communities and developed nations. It is a well known truth that there are more than 26000 thousands languages being spoken around the globe as few of those don't have their own script even and they are in a kind of danger to be finished soon and called as dead languages.

 To make it precise, translation has undoubtedly developed such a charming and worth appreciating importance and provided a good exposure to the local community as the foreigners, businessmans and ambassadors visit our country where they can communicate the translators first to make the reason of their visit crystal and clear so that entrepreneurs can manage to provide the information to our government, officials, media and people of country in local language so smoothly.

 2: Review on Magazine and Newspapers

video lecture by Sir Sohail Sangi

 Initially, the lecture video regarding magazines gives light on some basic points which can be helpful in understanding clearly. In magazines a periodic publication have been undeniably taken care of different types of subjects such as literally work, sport, finance, science, poetry, health, education, technology, social values, cultural significance, fashion and showbiz which can make everyone feel comfortable after having read them carefully. Further if some of them are specialized magazines that are supposed to be in other subjects as guarding, architecture, engineering government and politics. As for as magazines publication is concerned that has to be followed periodically e.g. weekly, monthly, quarterly and fortnightly which are said to be so attractive to the targeted clientele. They haven't been seen formal and carry a good number of pictures. The writing is totally based on writers way of thinking but not of reality.Commonly uses high-end glossy paper with thick cover, and usually comes in full color and they also take high cost as per issue.

 Magazines writing style focus on creative flair and innovative skill which must be supportive in producing masterpieces and also having given outstanding impression on audiences. Magazines languages use depends on its objective, literary skill must be considered as worth writing by the magazine press, magazine writing is said to be acquired as a different way of perspective and structuring, thus samples old issues can be found online through Heraland and Newsline.

  Secondly, the information about newspapers makes all things easy to get desired consistency in the form of understanding its motive. Newspapers are being published on basis and contain short article on current news, they can be depicted and designed about the situation of everyday life and ongoing issues in the world, they have got broad audience as the information is being considered and provided on current matters, their sizes come in either broadsheet or tabloid, newspapers contains mostly news items, feature stories, and commentaries on various topics (i.e. government, politics, business, community concerns, international issues, entertainment, sports, etc.), they also cater to the general public, uses low-cost, non-archival newsprint (type of paper), and usually comes in black white, although some issues and content may come in full color on special occasions and low cost have been charged as per issue.

Practical work carried under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi, at Institute of Media & Communication Studies, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh Pakistan
